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- Learning graph-constrained cascade regressors for single image super-resolution[J].Applied Intelligence,
- Pornographic video detection with MapReduceInternational Journal of Machine Learning & Cybernetics,
- SAE network: a deep learning method for traffic flow prediction018 5th International Conference on Information, Cybernetics, and Computational Social Systems,
- Detection and Recognition of Text Superimposed in Images Base on Layered MethodNeurocomputing,
- Chinese Text Location under Complex Background Using Gabor Filter and SVMNeurocomputing,74(17)(2998-3008
- 基于西安城市公交IC卡数据的乘客上车耗时影响因素分析重庆理工大学学报,
- 基于多项Logit 模型的候车时间价值估计重庆交通大学学报(自然科学版),
- 城市用地功能精细化识别方法:时序动态图嵌入深度学习模型地球信息科学学报,
- 一种基于Google的OCR识别结果校对新方法计算机学报,
- Chinese Text Detection and Location for Images in Multimedia Messaging ServiceIEEE International Conference on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics (SMC2010),