Zhonghu Li
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Paper Publications
李忠虎.基因流存在条件下的物种形成研究述评:生殖隔离机制进化生物多样性,2014,22 (1): 88–96
李忠虎.Population genetic structure and interspecific differentiation between Acer davidii Franchi. and A-morrisonense Hayata (Aceraceae) based on SSR markersBIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY,2017,卷: 71 页: 42-49
李忠虎.Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Male and Female Conelets and Development of Microsatellite Markers in Pinus bungeana, an Endemic Conifer in ChinaGENES,2017,卷: 8 期: 12
李建芳.Genetic variation and phylogenetic relationships among Rehmannia (Scrophulariaceae) species as revealed by a novel set of single-copy nuclear gene markersBIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY,2016,卷: 66 页: 43-49
Zhanlin Liu.Nucleotide polymorphism and phylogeographic history of an endangered conifer species Pinus bungeanaBIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY,2016,卷: 64 页: 89-96
李忠虎.Characterization of Global Transcriptome Using Illumina Paired-End Sequencing and Development of EST-SSR Markers in Two Species of Gynostemma (Cucurbitaceae)MOLECULES,2015,卷: 20 期: 12 页: 21214-21231
李忠虎.Molecular identification and allopatric divergence of the white pine species in China based on the cytoplasmic DNA variationBIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY,2015,卷: 61 页: 161-168
赵桂仿.Comparative Transcriptome Analysis Reveals Adaptive Evolution of Notopterygium incisum and Notopterygium franchetii, Two High-Alpine Herbal Species Endemic to ChinaMOLECULES,2017,卷: 22 期: 7
李忠虎.Comparative Analysis of the Complete Chloroplast Genome of Four Endangered Herbals of NotopterygiumGENES,2017,卷: 8 期: 4
陈富林.Effects of Mountain Uplift and Climatic Oscillations on Phylogeography and Species Divergence in Four Endangered Notopterygium HerbsFRONTIERS IN PLANT SCIENCE,2017,卷: 8
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