Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Alma Mater:西北大学
Discipline:Other specialties in Optical Engineering
Paper Publications
Formation of Four Phase-Locked Gaussian Beams by Saturable Absorber in a Neodymium-Doped Yttrium Aluminum Garnet Laser
Impact Factor0.0
DOI number:10.1143/APEX.5.122701
Journal:Applied Physics Express
Indexed by:J
Page Number:695-706.
ISSN No.:1882-0778
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2012-11-26
First Author:王艺
First Author:白杨
First Author:查榕威
First Author:Bing Bai
First Author:李建林
First Author:卢一鑫
First Author:田晓
First Author:白杨
First Author:史瑞平
First Author:白杨
First Author:孙延笑
First Author:白杨
First Author:胡明宣
First Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:Jintao Bai
Correspondence Author:雷广智
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨
Correspondence Author:白杨