The Growth and Crystalline Structure of Ultrathin Mn Films on Ni(111)
Release time:2023-04-09
Impact Factor0.0
DOI number:10.1002/pssb.201800173
Affiliation of Author(s):物理学院
Journal:physica status solidi (b) - basic solid state physics
Place of Publication:国外学术期刊
Abstract:The growth and crystalline structure of ultrathin Mn films are studied in terms of thickness and temperature by scanning tunneling microscopy (STM) as well as medium- and low-energy electron diffraction. We show that the Mn films deposited at room temperature exhibit a thickness-dependent growth behavior with a layer-by-layer growth mode up to 5.3 monolayers. Two transitions in the growth mode can be observed in this range. Atomically resolved STM images of a submonolayer of Mn on Ni(111) reveal a lateral lattice distortion which becomes less significant after the islands form a wetting layer at room temperature. The low-temperature-deposited wetting layer shows a metastable lattice distortion which vanishes after annealing to room or higher temperatures. This phenomenon may be attributed to a temperature-dependent metastable arrangement of the Mn adlayer as well as the distinct interaction strength between Mn–Mn and Mn–Ni atoms. Low-temperature-grown thick Mn films exhibit a Stranski–Krastanov growth mode with a stable r3xr3 R30° reconstruction, which remains stable up to room temperature.
Indexed by:Journal paper
Document Code:5b75928c66e36bee016735ca94794399
Document Type:J
Page Number:255/9/1800173
ISSN No.:0370-1972
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2018-08-06
Included Journals:SCI
First Author:Jiaming Song
Correspondence Author:Wolfgang Kuch