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所在单位:光子学与光子技术研究所 入职时间:2010-03-01
所在单位:光子学与光子技术研究所 入职时间:2010-03-01
- 孙聃.Enhancement of photodynamic therapy induced cytotoxicity in K562 cells by genisteinSymp. Photonics Optoelectron., SOPO,2011,
- 孙聃.Effect of Cs+, Ag+, Fe3+ doping and Ag+, Fe3+ codoping contents on photocatalytic activity of TiO2 filmsSymp. Photonics Optoelectron., SOPO,2011,
- 孙聃.The effect of dietary soyabean isoflavones on photodynamic therapy in K562 leukemia cellsJOURNAL OF PHOTOCHEMISTRY AND PHOTOBIOLOGY B-BIOLOGY,2012,卷: 110 页: 28-33
- 王凯歌.Pairing Mismatched ssDNA to dsDNA Studied with Reflectometric Interference Spectroscopy SensorChin.Phys.Lett.,2016,33(8):088701.
- 王凯歌.Direct observation of λ-DNA molecule reversal movement within microfluidic channels under electric field with single molecule imaging technique.Chin. Phys. B,2016,25 (7): 078201.
- 王凯歌.Direct observation of lambda-DNA molecule reversal movement within microfluidic channels under electric field with single molecule imaging techniqueCHINESE PHYSICS B,2016,卷: 25 期: 7页:078201
- 王凯歌.Direct observation of λ-DNA molecule reversal movement within microfluidic channels under electric field with single molecule imaging techniqueCHINESE PHYS B,2016,卷 25,期 7,页078201
- 王凯歌.Reversal current observed in micro- and submicro-channel flow under non-continuous DC electric fieldCHINESE PHYSICS B,2017,卷: 26 期: 6
- 孙聃.Antioxidant activity of mangostin in cell-free system and its effect on K562 leukemia cell line in photodynamic therapyACTA BIOCHIMICA ET BIOPHYSICA SINICA,2009,卷: 41 期: 12 页: 1033-1043
- 孙聃.High Optical Magnification Three-Dimensional Integral Imaging of Biological Micro-organismCHINESE PHYSICS LETTERS,2017,卷: 34 期: 7 页码:074201