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所在单位:光子学与光子技术研究所 入职时间:2010-03-01
所在单位:光子学与光子技术研究所 入职时间:2010-03-01
- 孙聃.Research on the effect of formononetin on photodynamic therapy in K562 cellsGENERAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS,2017,卷: 36 期: 4 页: 423-430
- 孙聃.The effect of ellagic acid on photodynamic therapy in leukemia cellsGENERAL PHYSIOLOGY AND BIOPHYSICS,2018,卷: 37 期: 3 页: 319-328
- 孙聃.一种吲哚二甲川菁染料的合成、光谱性质及其应用西北大学学报(自然科学版),2012,卷42,期3,页422-428
- 任兆玉.Red, green and infrared three-wavelength lasers generated from LD side-pumped Nd3+:YAG crystalOPTIK,2012,卷: 123 期: 14 页: 1245-1248
- 王凯歌.基于连续激光的纳米结构研制应用光学,2017,页码:165-173 页数:9
- 王凯歌.Electrodynamics of DNA Molecules Moving Through Microfluidic Channels Studied with Single Molecular Fluorescence Imaging TechnologyJ.Nanosci.Nanotechno.,2016,16(7): 6986-6991.
- 王爽.Synthesis, crystal structures, and spectral properties of double N-alkylated dimethine cyanine dyes and their interactions with biomolecules and living cellsRSC ADVANCES,2015,卷: 5 期: 6 页: 4681-4692
- 赵伟.Current characteristics of lambda-DNA molecules/polystyrene nanoparticles in TBE buffer solution through micro/nanofluidic capillaries under DC electric fieldJOURNAL OF PHYSICS D-APPLIED PHYSICS,2017,卷: 50 期: 12
- 孙聃.Synthesis, spectral properties of rhodanine complex merocyanine dyes as well as their effect on K562 leukemia cellsDYES AND PIGMENTS,2012,卷: 93 期: 1-3 页: 1481-1487
- 孙聃.Influence of concentration on distribution properties of stretched-DNA in the MEC studied with fluorescence imaging and drop shape analyzingCOLLOIDS AND SURFACES B-BIOINTERFACES,2017,卷: 151 页: 11-18