Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Date of Birth:1978-01-29
Date of Employment:2022-03-08
School/Department:School of Economics and Management
Administrative Position:Full-time Faculty
Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study
Business Address:The Department of Business Administration School of Economics and Management, Northwest University No. 1 xuefu Avenue, Xi'an Guodu Education and Sci-Tech Industrial Development Zone Xi’an, Shaanxi Province, P. R. China
Degree:Doctoral Degree in Management
Academic Titles:Full professor
Alma Mater:Northeastern University
Discipline:Tourism Management
Enterprise Management
Academic Honor:
Honors and Titles:
2020-12-31 河北省优秀盟员
2019-12-31 河北省优秀盟员
2018-12-31 河北省优秀盟员
2016-12-31 河北省优秀盟员
The Last Update Time: ..
The Dual Processes of Leader-Member Exchange Social Comparison.Journal of Business and Psychology.2024
Examining the cross-level mechanisms of the influence of supervisors’ job crafting on frontline employees’ engagement and performance.International Journal of Contemporary Hospitality Management
An Integrated Investigation Into the Impact of Workplace Shocks on Employee Turnover.Cornell Hospitality Quarterly
The integrated effects of leader–member exchange social comparison on job performance and OCB in the Chinese context.Front. Psychol.2023,14:1094509
Career identity and organizational identification among professionals with on-demand work.Personnel Review.2022
Too much overload and concerns: Antecedents of social media fatigue and the mediating role of emotional exhaustion.Computers in Human Behavior.2022,139
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组织和职业嵌入下员工多路径离职过程机理的多层次研究, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)-2019/12/31
多路径离职框架下工作嵌入的形成和作用机制研究, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)-2014/12/31
多因素交互视角下工作-家庭界面纵向研究:形成、作用机制及应对策略, National Natural Science Foundation of China (NSFC)-2018/12/31
京津冀旅游需求演化机理与供给优化匹配研究, National social science fund project-2022/12/31
京津冀协同发展视角下住房政策对新生代农民工迁移的影响研究, National social science fund project-2021/12/31