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[37][6] Si Li, Y. Liu, B. Fu, Z.-M. Yu, S. A. Yang, and Y. Yao, "Almost ideal nodal-loop semimetal in monoclinic CuTeO3 material", Phys. Rev. B 97, 245148 (2018).
[38][5] S. Wu, B. Liu, C. Shen, Si Li, X. Huang, X. Lu, P. Chen, G. Wang, D. Wang, Me. Liao, J. Zhang, T. Zhang, S. Wang, W. Yang, R. Yang, D. Shi, K. Watanabe, T. Taniguchi, Y. Yao, W. Wang, and G. Zhang, "Magnetotransport Properties of Graphene Nanoribbons with Zigzag Edges", Phys. Rev. Lett. 120, 216601 (2018).
[39][4] Si Li, C.-C. Liu, and Y. Yao, "Floquet high Chern insulators in periodically driven chirally stacked multilayer graphene", New Journal of Physics 20, 033025 (2018).
[40][3] W. Wu, Y. Liu, Si Li, C. Zhong, Z.-M. Yu, X.-L. Sheng, Y. X. Zhao, and S. A. Yang, "Nodal surface semimetals: Theory and material realization", Phys. Rev. B 97, 115125 (2018).
[41][2] Si Li, Y. Liu, S.-S. Wang, Z.-M. Yu, S. Guan, X.-L. Sheng, Y. Yao, and S. A. Yang, "Nonsymmorphic-symmetry-protected hourglass Dirac loop, nodal line, and Dirac point in bulk and monolayer X3SiTe6 (X=Ta, Nb)", Phys. Rev. B 97, 045131 (2018).
[42][1] Si Li, Z.-M. Yu, Y. Liu, S. Guan, S.-S. Wang, X. Zhang, Y. Yao, and S. A. Yang, "Type-II nodal loops: Theory and material realization", Phys. Rev. B (Rapid Comm) 96, 081106 (2017).
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