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[25][18] Y. Chen, L. Wu, H. Xu, C. Cong, Si Li, S. Feng, H. Zhang, C. Zou, J. Shang, S. A. Yang, K. P. Loh, W. Huang, T. Yu, "Visualizing the Anomalous Charge Density Wave States in Graphene/NbSe2 Heterostructures", Advanced Materials 32 (45), 2003746 (2020).
[26][17] Y. Pang, E. Rezaei, D. Chen, Si Li, Y. Jian, Q. Wang, Z. Wang, J. Duan, M. Zebarjadi, Y. Yao, "Thermoelectric properties of layered ternary telluride Nb3SiTe6", Phys. Rev. Materials 4, 094205 (2020).
[27][16] Si Li, Z.-M. Yu, Y. Yao, and S. A. Yang, "Type-II topological metals", Frontiers of Physics. 15(4), 43201 (2020).
[28][15] Z. Zhu, C. Liao, Si Li, X. Zhang, W. Wu, Z.-M. Yu, R. Yu, W. Zhang, and S. A. Yang, "First-principles study of bulk and two-dimensional structures of the AMnBi family of materials (A = K, Rb, Cs)", Phys. Rev. B 102, 035444 (2020).
[29][14] X. Wu, Y. Feng, Si Li, B. Zhang, and G. Gao, "2D Mn2C6Se12 and Mn2C6S6Se6: Intrinsic Room-Temperature Dirac Spin Gapless Semiconductors and Perfect Spin Transport Properties", J. Phys. Chem. C 124, 16127−16135 (2020).
[30][13] Z. Zhu, Si Li, M. Yang, X.-A. Nie, H.-K. Xu, X. Yang, D.-D. Guan, S. Wang, Y.-Y. Li, C. Liu, Z.-Q. Mao, N. Xu, Y. Yao, S. A. Yang, Y.-G. Shi, H. Zheng, J.-F. Jia, "A tunable and unidirectional one-dimensional electronic system Nb2n+1SinTe4n+2", npj Quantum Materials 5, 35 (2020).
[31][12] Y. Gan, J. Liang, C. Cho, Si Li, Y. Guo, X. Ma, X. Wu, J. Wen, X. Du, M. He, C. Liu, S. A. Yang, K. Wang, L. Zhang, "Bandgap opening in MoTe2 thin flakes induced by surface oxidation", Frontiers of Physics 15, 33602 (2020).
[32][11] C. Hua, Si Li, Z.-A. Xu, Y. Zheng, S. A. Yang, and Y. Lu, "Tunable Topological Energy Bands in 2D Dialkali‐Metal Monoxides", Advanced Science. 7, 1901939 (2019).
[33][10] T. Y. Yang, Q. Wan, D. Y. Yan, Z. Zhu, Z. W. Wang, C. Peng, Y. B. Huang, R. Yu, J. Hu, Z. Q. Mao, Si Li, S. A. Yang, H. Zheng, J.-F. Jia, Y. G. Shi, and N. Xu, "Directional massless Dirac fermions in layered van der Waals material with one-dimensional long-range order", Nature Materials 19, 27 (2020).
[34][9] Si Li, Y. Liu, Z.-M. Yu, Y. Jiao, S. Guan, X.-L. Sheng, Y. Yao, S. A. Yang, "Two-dimensional Antiferromagnetic Dirac fermions in monolayer TaCoTe2", Phys. Rev. B 100, 205102 (2019).
[35][8] W. Wu, Y. Jiao, Si Li, X.-L. Sheng, Z.-M. Yu, and S. A. Yang, "Hourglass Weyl loops in two-dimensional GaTeI family materials," Phys. Rev. Materials 3, 054203 (2019).
[36][7] C. Chen, Z.-M. Yu, Si Li, Z. Chen, X.-L. Sheng, and S. A. Yang, "Weyl-loop half metal in Li3 (FeO3)2", Phys. Rev. B 99, 075131 (2019).
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