Exploratory Research on Structural Dimensions of Workplace Deviant Behavior of Grass-roots Civil Servants: Based on the Grounded Theory
Release time:2020-06-08
Impact Factor0.0
Journal:Journal of Gansu Administration Institute
Place of Publication:Lanzhou
Key Words:grass-roots civil servants, workplace deviation behavior, the grounded theory, structural dimension
Abstract:The research of the structural dimension plays a basic role when to identify and reduce the Workplace Deviant Behavior of grass-roots civil servants. In this regard, the paper uses the Grounded Theory to conduct semi-structured interview for 25 grass-roots civil servants and 10 citizens with representative characteristics to obtain the research materials. Then the paper carries out the open coding, axis coding and selective coding, and finally extracts the four dimensions of Workplace Deviant Behavior of grass-roots civil servants, namely Production Deviance, Interpersonal Deviance, Political Deviance and Power Deviance. To focus on these four dimensions not only inherits and expands the existing literature, but also conforms to the professional characteristics of grass-roots civil servants and the situation of government organization, which are distinguished by the characteristics of Chinese traditional bureaucratic organization, the traditional administrative ethics and the requirements on cadre team construction in the new era.
Indexed by:Journal paper
Discipline:Management Science
First-Level Discipline:Public Administration
Document Type:D
Page Number:26-36
ISSN No.:1009-4997
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2019-02-20