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87. Zhen Xu, Siting Hou, Zhimo Wang, Changjian Xie*, “Neural network potentials facilitating accurate complex scaling for molecular resonances: from a model to high dimensional realistic systems”, Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys. 26, 21861-21873 (2024)
86. Feng Xiong, Siting Hou, Jiayuan Li, Zhimo Wang, Changjian Xie*, “Computational determination of the S1(Ã1A″) absorption spectra of HONO and DONO using full-dimensional neural network potential energy surfaces”, J. Chem. Phys. 161, 014305 (2024)
85. Zhimo Wang, Siting Hou, Hong Gao, Changjian Xie*, “Quantum state-to-state nonadiabatic dynamics of the charge transfer reaction H+ + NO(X2Π) → H + NO+(X1Σ+): Influence of ro-vibrational excitation of NO”, J. Chem. Phys. 160, 064301 (2024)
84. Junyan Wang, Changjian Xie*, XiXi Hu*, Hua Guo*, Daiqian Xie*, “Impact of Geometric Phase on Dynamics of Complex-Forming Reactions: H + O2 → OH + O”, J. Phys. Chem. Lett. 15, 4237–4243 (2024)