73. Haifeng Song, Chaofan Li, Changjian Xie*, “Accurate description of the nonadiabatic proton-coupled electron-transfer process in a diabatic representation: A model study”, Phys. Rev. A 105, 022822 (2022)
Release time:2022-03-25 Hits:
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Pre One:74. Siting Hou, Chanfan Li, Huixian Han*, Changjian Xie*, “EOM-CCSD-based neural network diabatic potential energy matrix for the 1πσ*-mediated photodissociation of thiophenol”, Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 35, 461 (2022)
Next One:72. Zhimo Wang, Changjian Xie*, “Kinetics and dynamics of the H(2S) + NO(X2Π) → N(4S) + OH(X2Π) reaction: A quasi-classical trajectory study”, Chin. J. Chem. Phys. 35, 207 (2022)