42. Changjian Xie, Xinguo Liu, Brendan C. Sweeny, Thomas M. Miller, Shaun G. Ard, Nicholas S. Shuman, Albert A. Viggiano, Hua Guo “Probing the rate-determining region of the potential energy surface for a prototypical ion-molecule reaction”, Phil. Trans. R. Soc. A, 376: 20170146.
Release time:2022-03-25 Hits:
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Translation or Not:no
Pre One:43. Zhuang Wu, Huabin Wan, Jian Xu, Bo Lu, Yan Lu, André K. Eckhardt, Peter R. Schreiner, Changjian Xie, Hua Guo, Xiaoqing Zeng, “The near-UV absorber OSSO and its isomers”, Chem. Commun., 54, 4517-4520 (2018)
Next One:41. Zhuang Wu, Bo Lu, Ruijuan Feng, Jian Xu, Yan Lu, Huabin Wan, Andre K. Eckhardt, Peter R. Schreiner, Changjian Xie, Hua Guo, Xiaoqing Zeng, “Capture of SO3 isomers in the oxidation of sulfur monoxide with molecular oxygen”, Chem. Commun., 54, 1690 (2018)