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Niumiao Zhang
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Paper Publications
[1]张妞苗.Photoluminescence and cathode-luminescence of Eu3+-doped NaLnTiO4 (Ln = Gd and Y) phosphorsRSC Advances,2013,3, 20,7495-7502
[2]张妞苗.Aluminate Red Phosphor in Light-Emitting Diodes: Theoretical Calculations, Charge Varieties, and High-Pressure Luminescence AnalysisACS Applied Materials &Interfaces,2017,9,28,23995-24004
[3]张妞苗.DFT calculation, electric and luminescent property of titanate solid state electrolytes based red emitting phosphor A2La2Ti3O10:Eu3+ (A = Na, K)Dyes and Pigments,2017,136, 601-611
[4]张妞苗.Red emitting phosphors of Eu3+ doped Na2Ln2Ti3O10 (Ln = Gd, Y) for white light emitting diodesJournal of Alloys and Compounds,2015,635, 66-72
[5]张妞苗.The Vis-NIR Multicolor Emitting Phosphor Ba4Gd3Na3(PO4)6F2: Eu2+, Pr3+ for LED towards Plant GrowthJournal of Industrial and Engineering Chemistry,2018,65(9):411-417
[6]郭崇峰.Far Red and Near Infrared Double-Wavelength Emitting Phosphor Gd2ZnTiO6: Mn4+, Yb3+ for Plant Cultivation LEDsDyes and Pigments,2018,154(July):257-262
[7]张妞苗.Color tunable emission in Ce3+ and Tb3+ co-doped Ba2Ln (BO3)2Cl (Ln = Gd and Y) phosphors for white light-emitting diodesSpectrochimica Acta Part A:Molecular and Biomolecular Spectroscopy,2013,116, 556-561
[8]郭崇峰.Enhancement of Red Emission and Site Analysis in Eu2+ Doped New-Type Structure Ba3CaK(PO4)3 for Plant Growth White LEDsChemical Engineering Journal,2019,356:236-244
[9]张妞苗.Site-Dependent Luminescence and Thermal Stability of Eu2+ Doped Fluorophosphate toward White LEDs for Plant GrowthACS Applied Materials &Interfaces,2016,8, 32, 20856-20864
[10]张妞苗.Synthesis, Electronic Structures and Luminescent Properties of Eu3+ Doped KGdTiO4Journal of Materials Chemistry C,2014,2, 20, 3988-3994
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