Ming Yue
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Paper Publications
Leaf traits suggest different ecological strategies for two Quercus species along an altitudinal gradient in the Qinling Mountains.JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH.2015:卷: 20 期: 6 页: 501-513
Leaf traits suggest different ecological strategies for two Quercus species along an altitudinal gradient in the Qinling Mountains.JOURNAL OF FOREST RESEARCH.2015:卷: 20 期: 6 页: 501-513
Patterns of taxonomic, phylogenetic diversity during a long-term succession of forest on the Loess Plateau, China: insights into assembly process.SCIENTIFIC REPORTS.2016:卷: 6
Economic trade-offs of hydrophytes and neighbouring terrestrial herbaceous plants based on plant functional traits.BASIC AND APPLIED ECOLOGY.2017:卷: 22 页: 11-19
Plant functional traits suggest a change in novel ecological strategies for dominant species in the stages of forest succession.OECOLOGIA.2016:卷: 180 期: 3 页: 771-783
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资源斑块格局与独叶草种群生长与分布格局耦合研究, 2007/01/01
引汉济渭工程生态安全监测技术研究, 2016/01/01
黄土高原森林次生演替过程中基于功能性状的群落构建机制的演变, 2015/01/01
陕北黄土高原植被特征与道地中药材资源及质量耦合关系的研究, 2014/01/01
陕西省中药资源普查试点专项-黄陵县, 2013/01/01
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