Email: haijunqiu@nwu.edu.cn
一、 教育与工作经历
2019.07-至今 西北大学城市与环境学院/自然地理与资源环境系 教授(破格提拔)
2015.05-2019.07 西北大学城市与环境学院/自然地理与资源环境系 副教授
2018.04-2018.12 美国密歇根大学(University of Michigan) 访问学者
2017.12-2018.04 美国蒙大拿大学(University of Montana) 访问学者
2014.09-2017.07 中国科学院成都山地灾害与环境研究所 博士后 导师:崔鹏院士
2012.07-2015.05 西北大学城市与环境学院/自然地理与资源环境系 讲师
2007.09-2012.07 西北大学城市与环境学院博士研究生,获自然地理学博士学位(硕博连读) 导师:曹明明教授,惠泱河教授
2003.09-2007.07 西北大学城市与环境学院本科生,获环境工程学士学位(免试推荐读研)
1. 陕西省杰出青年科学基金项目——“黄土滑坡动态监测及时空演变研究”(2021JC-40),2021.1-2023.12 (项目负责人)
2. 陕西省人力资源和社会保障厅: 陕西省留学人员科技活动择优资助项目(人才类)(2022-14) , 2023.6-2024.12 (项目负责人)
3. 国家自然科学基金面上项目——“高铁沿线滑坡隐患超前识别与风险动态感知研究”(42471083),2025.1-2028.12 (项目负责人)
4. 国家自然科学基金面上项目——“煤矿采空区黄土滑坡地表形变与地形演变研究”(42271078),2023.1-2026.12 (项目负责人)
5. 国家自然科学基金面上项目——“典型黄土地貌类型区黄土滑坡规模与影响范围研究”(41771539),2018.1-2021.12 (项目负责人)
6. 国家自然科学基金青年项目——“区域黄土滑坡空间格局研究”(41401602),2015.1-2017.12 (项目负责人)
7. 科技部第二次青藏高原综合科学考察研究子专题——“泥石流孕灾环境遥感监测与变化分析”(2019QZKK0902), 2019.11-2024.10 (子专题负责人)
8. 国家重点研发计划“气候变化背景下中巴经济走廊山地灾害防灾减灾研究”项目子课题——“山地灾害及其孕灾环境综合数据库与信息平台建设”(2018YFE0100100),2019.1.1-2021.12.31.(子课题负责人)
9. 中国科学院国际合作局对外合作重点项目“一带一路”自然灾害风险与综合减灾国际研究计划项目(批准号:131551KYSB20160002)课题:《“一带一路”减灾数据支撑》,2016.6-2021.6 (课题负责人)
10. 陕西省重点研发计划项目——“煤矿采空区黄土滑坡灾害风险超前感知与动态监测研究”(项目编号:2024SF-YBXM-669)2024.1-2025.12 (项目负责人)
11. 陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目——“黄土滑坡空间分布结构及其尺度依赖性研究” (2014JQ2-4021),2015.1-2017.12,(项目负责人)
12. 中国科学院战略性先导科技专项 “泛第三极环境变化与绿色丝绸之路建设” (XDA20030301)小专题“滑坡泥石流遥感解译与数据挖掘”,2018.12-2021.12 (小专题负责人)
13. 陕西省科协决策咨询课题——加强不可移动文物自然灾害风险防控体系建设的建议,2024年 (项目负责人)
14. 教育部人文社科重点研究基地研究项目——数字化驱动西部地区灾害治理(XBLPS2023017),2023年 (项目负责人)
15. 西北大学科学研究基金——“黄土丘陵区地质灾害复杂性及其敏感性分析研究” (12NW32),2013.1-2014.12 (项目负责人)
16. 定边县农村环境保护规划(横向),2013.10-2015.10,(项目负责人)
17. 地质灾害监测预警与风险防控理论与技术研究(横向),2023.1-2025.6(项目负责人)
1. 第十三届中国水土保持学会青年科技奖
2. 2023年度陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖二等奖,成果名称:中国西部重大地质灾害隐患超前识别与智能化监测预警研究(1/8)
3. 2019年度陕西高等学校科学技术奖一等奖,成果名称:地质灾害风险识别和调控的理论与应用(5/11)(2019.03)
4. 2022年度陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖特等奖,成果名称:特殊岩土体“小变形大风险”智能化监测防治技术及中外工程应用(6/11)
5. 陕西省高等教育教学成果奖一等奖,成果名称:团队引领、平台支撑、教研相长“三位一体”自然地理专业创新人才培养新模式(4/7)(2020年12月)
6. 2022年全国优秀地图作品裴秀奖金奖(3/15),图集:自然灾害风险地图集
7. 论文“基于SPOT VEGETATION数据的中国植被覆盖时空变化分析”入选2015年度领跑者5000—中国精品科技期刊顶尖学术论文(F5000)
8. 2019年作为指导老师指导博士生获陕西省第五届研究生创新成果展三等奖 论文名称:无人机技术在黄土滑坡中的应用研究
9. 西北大学2019年教学成果奖特等奖
1. 邱海军. 《秦巴山地滑坡崩塌灾害特征与危险性分析——以宁强县为例》(专著) 2017,中国环境出版社,20万字
2. 曹明明,邱海军. “十二五”国家重点图书出版规划项目:中国省市区地理丛书之《陕西地理》(专著) 2018,北京师范大学出版社,34万字,主编
3. 崔 鹏,邹 强, 邱海军, Koert Sijmons. “一带一路”自然灾害风险与减灾系列《自然灾害风险地图集》,2021.11, 北京 : 科学出版社,副主编
4. Cui Peng, Zou Qiang, Qiu Haijun, Koert Sijmons. 《Atlas of Disaster Risk》,2021, Beijing: Science Press. Associate Editor
5. 何艳芬, 邱海军. 《计量地理学基础》. 2022.6, 北京 : 科学出版社,主编
1. Qiu Haijun*, Li Yijun, Zhu Yaru, Ye Bingfeng, Yang Dongdong, Liu Ya, Wei Yingdong. Do post-failure landslides become stable? CATENA, 2025, 249: 108699.
2. Qiu Haijun*, Cui Yifei, Pei Yanqian, Yang Dongdong, Hu Sheng, Wang Xingang, Ma Shuyue. Temporal patterns of nonseismically triggered landslides in Shaanxi Province, China. CATENA, 2020, 187: 104356.
3. Qiu Haijun*, Cui Peng, Regmi Amar Deep, Hu Sheng, Wang Xingang, Zhang Yuzhu, He Yi. Influence of topography and volume on mobility of loess slides within different slip surfaces. CATENA, 2017, 157: 180-188.
4. Qiu Haijun*, Regmi Amar Deep, Cui Peng, Cao Mingming, Lee Jingzhong, Zhu Xinghua. Size distribution of loess slides in relation to local slope height within different slope morphologies. CATENA, 2016, 145:155-163.
5. Zhu Yaru, Qiu Haijun*, Liu Zijing, Ye Bingfeng, Tang Bingzhe, Li Yijun, Kamp Ulrich. Rainfall and water level fluctuations dominated the landslide deformation at Baihetan Reservoir, China. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 642: 131871.
6. Ye Bingfeng, Qiu Haijun*, Tang Bingzhe, Liu Ya, Liu Zijing, Jiang Xingyuan, Yang Dongdong, Ullah Mohib, Zhu Yaru, Kamp Ulrich. Creep deformation monitoring of landslides in a reservoir area. Journal of Hydrology, 2024, 632:130905.
7. Liu Zijing, Qiu Haijun*, Zhu Yaru, Huangfu Wenchao, Ye Bingfeng, Wei Yingdong, Tang Bingzhe, Kamp Ulrich. Increasing irrigation-triggered landslide activity caused by intensive farming in deserts on three continents. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 2024, 134: 104242.
8. Liu Ya, Qiu Haijun*, Kamp Ulrich, Wang Ninglian, Wang Jiading, Huang Chang, Bingzhe Tang. Higher temperature sensitivity of retrogressive thaw slump activity in the Arctic compared to the Third Pole. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 914: 170007.
9. Wei Yingdong, Qiu Haijun*, Liu Zijing, Huangfu Wenchao, Zhu Yaru, Liu Ya, Yang Dongdong, Kamp Ulrich. Refined and dynamic susceptibility assessment of landslides using InSAR and machine learning models. Geoscience Frontiers, 2024, 15: 101890.
10. He Yi, Qiu Haijun*, Song Jinxi, Zhao Yan, Zhang Limei, Hu Sheng, Hu Yiyi. Quantitative contribution of climate change and human activities to runoff changes in the Bahe River watershed of the Qinling Mountains, China. Sustainable Cities and Society, 2019, 51: 101729
11. Yang Dongdong, Qiu Haijun*, Ye Bingfeng, Liu Ya, Zhang Juanjuan, Zhu Yaru. Distribution and Recurrence of Warming-induced Retrogressive Thaw Slumps on the Central Qinghai-Tibet Plateau. Journal of Geophysical Research: Earth Surface, 2023, 128: e2022JF007047.
12. Pei Yanqian, Qiu Haijun*, Yang Dongdong, Liu Zijing, Ma Shuyue, Li Jianyong, Cao Mingming, Wufuer Waili. Increasing landslide activity in the Taxkorgan River Basin (eastern Pamirs Plateau, China) driven by climate change. CATENA, 2023, 223: 106911.
13. Yang Dongdong, Qiu Haijun*, Ma Shuyue, Liu Zijing, Du Chi, Zhu Yaru, Cao Mingming. Slow surface subsidence and its impact on shallow loess landslides in a coal mining area. CATENA, 2022, 209: 105830.
14. Yang Dongdong, Qiu Haijun*, Hu Sheng, Pei Yanqian, Wang Xingang, Du Chi, Long Yongqing, Cao Mingming. Influence of successive landslides on topographic changes revealed by multitemporal high-resolution UAS-based DEM. CATENA, 2021, 202: 105229.
15. He Jianyin, Qiu Haijun*, Qu Feihang, Hu Sheng, Yang Dongdong, Shen Yongdong, Zhang Yan, Sun Hesheng, Cao Mingming. Prediction of spatiotemporal stability and rainfall threshold of shallow landslides using the TRIGRS and Scoops3D models. CATENA, 2021, 197: 104999.
16. Zhou Wenqi, Qiu Haijun*, Wang Luyao, Pei Yanqian, Tang Bingzhe, Ma Shuyue, Yang Dongdong, Cao Mingming. Combining rainfall-induced shallow landslides and subsequent debris flows for hazard chain prediction. CATENA, 2022, 213:106199.
17. Liu Ya, Qiu Haijun*, Wang Jiading, Wang Ninglian, Jiang Xingyuan, Tang Bingzhe, Yang Dongdong, Ye Bingfeng, Ulrich Kamp. Prominent creep characteristics of thermokarst landslides on central Tibetan Plateau under climate warming conditions. CATENA, 2024, 246:108457.
18. Pei Yanqian, Qiu Haijun*, Zhu Yaru, Wang Jiading, Yang Dongdong, Tang Bingzhe, Wang Fei, Cao Mingming. Elevation dependence of landslide activity induced by climate change in the eastern Pamirs. Landslides, 2023, 20:1115-1133.
19. Ma Shuyue, Qiu Haijun*, Yang Dongdong, Wang Jiading, Zhu Yaru, Tang Bingzhe, Sun Kui, Cao Mingming. Surface multi‑hazard effect of underground coal mining. Landslides, 2023, 20:39-52
20. Liu Zijing, Qiu Haijun*, Ma Shuyue, Yang Dongdong, Pei Yanqian, Du Chi, Sun Hesheng, Hu Sheng, Zhu Yaru. Surface displacement and topographic change analysis of the Changhe landslide on September 14, 2019, China. Landslides, 2021, 18(4): 1471-1483.
21. Ma Shuyue, Qiu Haijun*, Hu Sheng, Yang Dongdong, Liu Zijing. Characteristics and geomorphology change detection analysis of the Jiangdingya landslide on July 12, 2018,
China. Landslides, 2021, 18:383–396.
22. Qu Feihang, Qiu Haijun*, Sun Hesheng, Tang Minggao. Post-failure landslide change detection and analysis using optical satellite Sentinel-2 images. Landslides, 2021, 18:447–455.
23. Zhu Yaru, Qiu Haijun*, Yang Dongdong, Liu Zijing, Ma Shuyue, Pei Yanqian, He Jianyin, Du Chi, Sun Hesheng. Pre- and post-failure spatiotemporal evolution of loess landslides: a case study of the Jiangou landslide in Ledu, China. Landslides, 2021, 18(10), 3475-3484
24. Liu Ya, Qiu Haijun*, Yang Dongdong, Liu Zijing, Ma Shuyue, Pei Yanqian, Zhang Juanjuan, Tang Bingzhe. Deformation responses of landslides to seasonal rainfall based on InSAR and wavelet analysis. Landslides, 2022, 19:199–210.
25. Hu Sheng, Qiu Haijun*, Wang Ninglian, Wang Xingang, Ma Shuyue, Yang Dongdong, Wei Na, Liu Zijing, Shen Yongdong, Cao Mingming, Song Zhaopeng. Movement process, geomorphological changes, and influencing factors of a reactivated loess landslide on the right bank of the middle of the Yellow River, China. Landslides, 2022, 19:1265-1295.
26. Hu Sheng, Qiu Haijun*, Yanqian Pei, Cui Yifei, Xie Wanli, Wang Xingang, Yang Dongdong, Tu Xiang, Zou Qiang, Cao Puyuan, Cao Mingming. Digital terrain analysis of a landslide on the loess tableland using high-resolution topography data. Landslides, 2019, 16(3), 617-632
27. Hu Sheng, Qiu Haijun*, Wang Xingang, Gao Yu, Wang Ninglian, Wu Jiang, Yang Dongdong, Cao Mingming. Acquiring high-resolution topography and performing spatial analysis of loess landslides by using low-cost UAVs. Landslides, 2018, 15(3), 593-612
28. Li Zhuoyang, Yang Meihuan*, Qiu Haijun*, Wang Tao, Ullah Mohib, Yang Dongdong, Wang Tianqing. Spatiotemporal patterns of non‑seismic fatal landslides in China from 2010 to 2022. Landslides, 2024, DOI 10.1007/s10346-024-02362-1.
29. Huangfu Wenchao, Qiu Haijun*, Cui Peng*, Yang Dongdong, Liu Ya, Tang Bingzhe, Liu Zijing, Ullah Mohib. Quick and automatic detection of co-seismic landslides with multi-feature deep learning model. Science China Earth Sciences, 2024, 67(7): 2311–2325.
30. Zhu Yaru, Qiu Haijun*, Cui Peng*, Liu Zijing, Ye Bingfeng, Dongdong Yang, Ulrich Kamp. Early detection of potential landslides along high-speed railway lines: A pressing issue. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2023, 48:3302–3314.
31. Huangfu Wenchao, Qiu Haijun*, Cui Peng, Yang Dongdong, Liu Ya, Ullah Mohib, Kamp Ulrich. Automated extraction of mining-induced ground fissures using deep learning and object-based image classification. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2024, 49(7), 2189-2204.
32. Yang Dongdong, Qiu Haijun*, Zhu Yaru, Liu Zijing, Pei Yanqian, Ma Shuyue, Du Chi, Sun Hesheng, Liu Ya, Cao Mingming. Landslide Characteristics and Evolution: What We Can Learn from Three Adjacent Landslides. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 4579.
33. Zhu Yaru, Qiu Haijun*, Liu Zijing, Wang Jiading, Yang Dongdong, Pei Yanqian, Ma Shuyue, Du Chi, Sun Hesheng, Wang Luyao. Detecting Long-Term Deformation of a Loess Landslide from the Phase and Amplitude of Satellite SAR Images: A Retrospective Analysis for the Closure of a Tunnel Event. Remote Sensing, 2021, 13, 4841.
34. Liu Zijing, Qiu Haijun*, Zhu Yaru, Liu Ya, Yang Dongdong, Ma Shuyue, Zhang Juanjuan, Wang Yuyao, Wang Luyao, Tang Bingzhe. Efficient Identification and Monitoring of Landslides by Time-Series InSAR Combining Single- and Multi-Look Phases. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14, 1026.
35. Wang Luyao, Qiu Haijun*, Zhou Wenqi, Zhu Yaru, Liu Zijing, Ma Shuyue, Yang Dongdong, Tang Bingzhe. The post-failure spatiotemporal deformation of certain translational landslides may follow the pre-failure pattern. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14, 2333.
36. Zhang Juanjuan, Qiu Haijun*, Tang Bingzhe, Yang Dongdong, Liu Ya, Liu Zijing, Ye Bingfeng, Zhou Wenqi, Zhu Yaru. Accelerating effect of vegetation on the instability of rainfall-induced shallow landslides. Remote Sensing. 2022, 14, 5743.
37. Ma Shuyue, Qiu Haijun*, Zhu Yaru, Yang Dongdong, Tang Bingzhe, Wang Daozheng, Wang Luyao, Cao Mingming. Topographic Changes, Surface Deformation and Movement Process before, during and after a Rotational Landslide. Remote Sensing. 2023, 15, 662.
38. Qiu Haijun*, Cui Peng, Regmi Amar Deep, Hu Sheng, Wang Xingang, Zhang Yuzhu. The effects of slope length and slope gradient on the size distributions of loess slides: Field observations and simulations. Geomorphology, 2018, 300, 69-76.
39. Qiu Haijun*, Su Lingling, Tang Bingzhe, Yang Dongdong, Ullah Mohib,Zhu Yaru, Kamp Ulrich. The effect of location and geometric properties of landslides caused by rainstorms and earthquakes. Earth Surface Processes and Landforms, 2024, 49(7), 2067-2079.
40. Yang Dongdong, Qiu Haijun*, Hu Sheng, Zhu Yaru, Cui Yifei, Du Chi, Liu Zijing, Pei Yanqian, Cao Mingming. Spatiotemporal distribution and evolution characteristics of successive landslides on the Heifangtai tableland of the Chinese Loess Plateau. Geomorphology, 2021, 378: 107619.
41. Hu Sheng, Qiu Haijun*, Wang Ninglian, Cui Yifei, Wang Jiading, Wang Xingang, Ma Shuyue, Yang Dongdong, Cao Mingming. The influence of loess cave development upon landslides and geomorphologic evolution: A case study from the northwest Loess Plateau, China. Geomorphology, 2020, 359: 107167.
42. Hu Sheng, Qiu Haijun*, Yang Dongdong, Cao Mingming, Song Jinxi, Wu Jiang, Huang Chenlu, Gao Yu. Evaluation of the applicability of climate forecast system reanalysis weather data for hydrologic simulation: A case study in the Bahe River Basin of the Qinling Mountains, China. Journal of Geographical Sciences, 2017, 27(5):546-564.
43. Qiu Haijun*, Zhu Yaru, Zhou Wenqi, Sun Hesheng, He Jianyin, Liu Zijing. Influence of DEM resolution on landslide simulation performance based on the Scoops3D model, Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2022, 13(1): 1663-1681.
44. Qiu Haijun*, Hu Sheng, Yang Dongdong, He Yi, Pei Yanqian, Kamp Ulrich. Comparing landslide size probability distribution at the landscape scale (Loess Plateau and the Qinba Mountains, Central China) using double Pareto and inverse gamma. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2021, 80:1035–1046
45. Qiu Haijun*, Cui Peng, Regmi Amar Deep, Hu Sheng, Zhang Yuzhu, He Yi. Landslide distribution and size versus relative relief (Shaanxi Province, China). Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2018, 77(4), 1331-1342.
46. Qiu Haijun*, Cui Peng, Hu Sheng, Regmi Amar Deep, Wang Xingang, Yang Dongdong. Developing empirical relationships to predict loess slide travel distances: a case study on the Loess Plateau in China. Bulletin of Engineering Geology and the Environment, 2018, 77(4), 1299-1309.
47. Zhao Kailiang, Qiu Haijun*, Liu Ya, Liu Zijing, Huangfu Wenchao, Tang Bingzhe, Yang Dongdong, Yang Guoqing. Probability of rainfall-induced landslides coupled with effective-duration threshold and soil moisture. Journal of Hydrology: Regional Studies, 2025, 57: 102112.
48. Qiu Haijun*, Cui Yifei, Hu Sheng, Yang Dongdong, Pei Yanqian, Yang Wenlu. Temporal and spatial distributions of landslides in the Qinba Mountains, Shaanxi Province, China. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2019, 10(1): 599-621.
49. Qiu Haijun*, Cui Yifei, Hu Sheng, Yang Dongdong, Pei Yanqian, Ma Shuyue, Liu Zijing. Size distribution and size of loess slides in response to slope height and slope gradient based on field survey data. Geomatics, Natural Hazards and Risk, 2019, 10(1): 1443–1458
50. Qiu Haijun*, Cui Yifei, Yang Dongdong, Pei Yanqian, Hu Sheng, Ma Shuyue, Hao Junqing, Liu Zijing. Spatiotemporal Distribution of Nonseismic Landslides during the Last 22 Years in Shaanxi Province, China. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2019, 8:505.
51. Yang Dongdong, Qiu Haijun*, Pei Yanqian, Hu Sheng, Ma Shuyue, Liu Zijing, Zhang Yan, Cao Mingming. Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Infiltration Characteristics of a Loess Landslide. ISPRS International Journal of Geo-Information, 2020, 9, 26; doi:10.3390/ijgi9010026.
52. Pei Yanqian, Qiu Haijun*, Hu Sheng, Yang Dongdong, Zhang Yan, Ma Shuyue, Cao Mingming. Appraisal of tectonic-geomorphic features in the Hindu Kush- Himalayas. Earth and Space Science, 2021, 8, e2020EA001386.
53. Qiu Haijun*, Cui Peng, Regmi Amar Deep, Wang Yanmin, Hu Sheng. Slope height and slope gradient controls on the loess slide size within different slip surfaces. Physical Geography, 2017, 38(4): 303-317.
54. Qiu Haijun*, Regmi Amar Deep, Cui Peng, Hu Sheng, Wang Yanmin, He Yi. Slope aspect effects of loess slides and its spatial differentiation in different geomorphologic types. Arabian Journal of Geosciences, 2017, 10:344.
55. Qiu Haijun*, Cui Peng, Regmi Amar Deep, Hu Sheng, Hao Junqing. Loess slide susceptibility assessment using frequency ratio model and artificial neural network. Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology and Hydrogeology, 2019, 52: 38-45
56. Qiu Haijun*, Hu Sheng, Wang Xingang, Yang Dongdong, Pei Yanqian, Ma Shuyue. Size and spatial distribution of loess slides on the Chinese Loess Plateau. Physical Geography, 2020, 41:126-144.
57. Ma Shuyue, Qiu Haijun*, Hu Sheng, Pei Yanqian, Yang Wenlu, Yang Dongdong, Cao Mingming. Quantitative assessment of landslide susceptibility on the Loess Plateau in China. Physical Geography, 2020, 41(6): 489-516.
58. Nie Wen, Qiu Haijun*, Asadi Afshin. Editorial: Monitoring, early warning, and mitigation of natural and engineered slopes. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023, 10: 1041180.
59. Qiu Haijun, Nie Wen*, Asadi Afshin. Editorial: Monitoring, early warning, and mitigation of natural and engineered slopes—Volume II. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2023, 11: 1200777.
60. Qiu Haijun, Xu Yao, Tang Bingzhe*, Su Lingling, Li Yijun, Yang Dongdong, Ullah Mohib. Interpretable landslide susceptibility evaluation based on model optimization. Land 2024, 13, 639.
61. Huangfu Wenchao, Qiu Haijun*, Wu Weicheng, Qin Yaozu, Zhou Xiaoting, Zhang Yang, Ullah Mohib, He Yanfen. Enhancing the Performance of Landslide Susceptibility Mapping with Frequency Ratio and Gaussian Mixture Model. Land 2024, 13, 1039.
62. Qiu Haijun, Nie Wen*, Asadi Afshin. Editorial: Monitoring, early warning and mitigation of natural and engineered slopes–volume III. Frontiers in Earth Science, 2024, 12:1465911.
63. Qiu Haijun, Liu Ya*, Tang Bingzhe*, Wang Ninglian, Wang Jiading. More Catastrophic Flow Events may Follow the Chamoli Rock and Ice Avalanche under Climate Change. Journal of Earth Science, 2024, 35(4): 1382–1384.
64. Qiu Haijun, Wei Yingdong*, Kamp Ulrich. Liquefaction-Mudflow may Cause the Destruction of Prehistoric Lajia Ruins, China. Journal of Earth Science, 2024, 35(6): 2154-2157.
65. Qiu Haijun, Nie Wen*, Zhou Liang, Wei Yingdong, Wang Jiading. Regional Emigration—China’s New Approach to Geo-Disaster Mitigation. Journal of Earth Science, 2024, 35(5): 1786–1788.
66. Pei Yanqian*, Qiu Haijun*, Zhu Yaru. Prediction of Landslide Susceptibility in the Karakorum under the Context of Climate Change. Applied Sciences, 2024, 14:8562.
67. Ullah Mohib, Qiu Haijun*, Huangfu Wenchao, Yang Dongdong, Wei Yingdong, Bingzhe Tang. Integrated Machine Learning Approaches for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping Along the Pakistan–China Karakoram Highway. Land 2025, 14, 172.
68. 邱海军*, 崔 鹏, 胡胜, 刘琪, 王彦民, 高宇, 邓妹凤. 陕北黄土高原不同地貌类型区黄土滑坡频率分布[J].地球科学, 2016, 41(2):343-350. (EI收录期刊) EI检索号: 20161302154614
69. 邱海军*, 崔 鹏, 王彦民, 刘琪, 胡胜, 高宇, 靳欣. 基于关联维数的黄土滑坡空间分布结构及其成因分析[J].岩石力学与工程学报(EI收录期刊), 2015, 34(03): 546-555. EI检索号:20151100627586
70. 皇甫文超, 邱海军*, 崔鹏*, 杨冬冬, 刘雅, 唐柄哲, 刘子敬, Ullah Mohib. 利用多特征深度学习模型的同震滑坡智能化提取. 中国科学: 地球科学, 2024, 54(7): 2347–2362.
71. 胡 胜,邱海军*, 王宁练,崔一飞,曹明明,王家鼎,王新刚. 地形对黄土高原滑坡的影响[J]. 地理学报(EI收录期刊), 2021, 76(11): 2697-2709.
72. 邱海军*, 崔 鹏, 曹明明, 刘 闻, 高宇, 王彦民. 基于最大熵原理的黄土丘陵区地质灾害规模频率分布研究[J].岩土力学(EI收录期刊),2014,35(12): 3541-3549. EI检索号:20150200412546
73. 邱海军*, 曹明明, 王雁林, 郝俊卿, 胡胜, 高宇, 刘琪. 黄土丘陵区地质灾害规模参数幂律相依性研究[J]. 地理科学, 2015,35(1):107-113.
74. 邱海军*, 曹明明, 刘 闻, 王彦民, 郝俊卿, 胡胜. 基于三种不同模型的区域滑坡灾害敏感性评价及结果检验研究[J]. 地理科学, 2014, 34(1):110-115.
75. 邱海军*, 曹明明, 郝俊卿, 王雁林, 王彦民. 1950~2010年中国干旱灾情频率-规模关系分析[J]. 地理科学, 2013, 33(5): 576-580.
76. 邱海军*, 曹明明, 刘 闻. 地质灾害的幂律相依性:以宁强县为例[J]. 地质科技情报, 2013, 32(3):183-187.
77. 邱海军, 胡 胜, 崔 鹏*, 杨冬冬, 许博健, 朱兴华, 何毅. 黄土滑坡灾害空间格局及其空间尺度依赖性研究[J]. 第四纪研究, 2017, 37 (2): 307-318.
78. 邱海军*, 曹明明, 王彦民, 郝俊卿, 刘闻, 胡 胜. 近60年中国农作物干旱灾情变化的趋势性和周期性研究[J]. 第四纪研究, 2013, 33 (6): 1183-1190.
79. 邱海军*, 曹明明,胡 胜. 1950~2010年中国洪涝灾情频率规模关系分析[J]. 自然灾害学报, 2013,22(4): 114-119.
80. 邱海军*, 曹明明, 刘 闻, 郝俊卿, 胡 胜, 高宇, 刘琪. 区域滑坡空间分布的变维分形特征研究[J]. 现代地质,2014,28(2):443-448.
81. 邱海军*, 曹明明, 胡 胜, 王彦民, 郝俊卿, 刘闻. 近60a来中国洪涝灾情变化趋势持续性和周期性研究[J]. 地球与环境, 2014, 42(1):17-24.
82. 邱海军*, 曹明明, 刘 闻, 郝俊卿, 王雁林. 区域地质灾害的空间点格局分析研究——以宁强县为例[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2014, 28(3):107-111.
83. 邱海军, 曹明明*. 基于SPOT VEGETATION数据的中国植被覆盖时空变化分析[J]. 资源科学, 2011, 33(3):335-340.
84. 邱海军*, 曹明明. 土地利用景观格局指数的粒度效应[J].地域研究与开发, 2011, 30(1): 126-129.
85. 邱海军*, 曹明明, 曾 彬. 基于小波分析的西安降水时间序列的变化特征[J]. 中国农业气象, 2011,32(1):23-27.
86. 邱海军*, 曹明明. 黄土高原沟壑区土地利用变化分析——以陕西省洛川县为例[J].水土保持通报, 2011,31(2):207-210.
87. 邱海军*, 曹明明. 基于EOF的陕西省降水变化时空分异研究.水土保持通报[J], 2011, 31(3):57-59.
88. 邱海军*, 曹明明. 近50年来榆林市主要代表站河川基流量变化及趋势分析[J].干旱区资源与环境, 2011,25(2):98-101.
89. 邱海军*, 曹明明. 黄龙县土地利用景观格局及其破碎化分析[J].西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2011, 41(6):1102-1106.
90. 邱海军, 马舒悦,崔一飞,杨冬冬,裴艳茜,刘子敬. 重新认识滑坡作用[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2020, 50(3): 377-385.
91. 裴艳茜,邱海军*, 胡 胜, 杨冬冬, 曹明明, 邹强. “一带一路”地区滑坡灾害风险评估[J]. 干旱区地理, 2018, 41(6):1225-1240.
92. 裴艳茜,邱海军*, 胡 胜, 邹强, 杨冬冬, 张焱, 曹明明. 中巴经济走廊地质灾害敏感性分析[J]. 第四纪研究, 2018,38(6):1369-1383.
93. 胡 胜, 邱海军*, 宋进喜, 马舒悦, 杨冬冬, 裴艳茜, 曹明明. 气候变化对秦岭北坡径流过程的影响机制研究——以灞河流域为例. 干旱区地理, 2017,40(5), 967-978.
94. 张焱, 邱海军*,胡胜, 王新刚, 杨冬冬, 曹明明.黄土洞穴发育条件下滑坡土体性质及其稳定性分析[J].自然灾害学报, 2020, 29(02): 64-75.
95. 胡 胜, 邱海军*, 王新刚, 谢婉丽, 龙永清, 土祥, 杨冬冬, 马舒悦, 张焱, 曹明明. 基于高分辨地形的黄土滑坡特征参数提取及其应用意义[J].第四纪研究,2018, 38(2): 367-379.
96. 杨文璐,邱海军*, 裴艳茜,胡 胜, 曹明明.典型黄土丘陵区浅层黄土滑坡稳定性评价——以延安市志丹县为例[J].第四纪研究,2019, 39(2): 408-419.
97. 曹璞源,邱海军*,胡胜. 杨冬冬. 区域崩塌和滑坡规模参数频率分布研究——以秦巴山地宁强县为例[J].灾害学, 2017, 32(4):121-126.
98. 李 军, 邱海军*, 郝俊卿, 刘 闻. 基于USLE和CSLE的洛川县土壤侵蚀对比分析研究[J]. 生态经济. 2013, (10):397-391.
99. 李 军, 邱海军*, 郝俊卿, 王雁林. 黄土丘陵沟壑区NDVI值空间分异及其与地表温度和湿度关系研究[J]. 生态经济. 2013, (5):403-407.
100. 曹璞源, 胡胜, 邱海军*, 杨冬冬, 曹明明. 基于模糊层次分析的西安市地质灾害危险性评价[J]. 干旱区资源与环境, 2017 (8): 136.
101. 胡 胜, 杨冬冬, 吴江, 高宇,邱海军*, 曹明明, 宋进喜, 万虹麟. 基于数字滤波法和 SWAT 模型的灞河流域基流时空变化特征研究[J]. 地理科学, 2017, 37(3): 455-463.
102. 杨冬冬, 胡 胜, 邱海军*, 何毅, 曹明明, 裴艳茜, 杨文璐. 基于模糊层次分析法对“一带一路”重要区域地质灾害危险性评价———以关中经济区为例[J]. 第四纪研究, 2017,37(3):633-644.
103. 何简吟,邱海军*,胡 胜,杨文璐, 裴艳茜, 杨冬冬, 张焱, 马舒悦, 曹明明.基于TRIGRS模型的浅层滑坡稳定性分析[J].第四纪研究,2019, 39(5): 1222-1234.
104. 沈永东, 邱海军*, 胡胜*, 刘子敬, 张焱, 杨冬冬, 曹明明. 黄土台塬滑坡水文地质结构探测及失效成因分析[J]. 第四纪研究, 2019, 39(6): 1503-1513.
105. 徐新文,赵庆,邱海军*. 黄土磁化率对千年- 百年尺度气候事件的记录及其古气候意义[J]. 2020, 50(3):411-419.
106. 胡 胜, 邱海军*, 王宁练, 崔一飞, 曹明明. 基于高分辨率影像和地形解译的黄土高原滑坡数据库[DB/OL].全球变化数据仓储, 2020. DOI:10.3974/geodb.2020.04.08.V1.
107. 杨冬冬, 邱海军*, 胡胜, 邹 强, 朱亚茹.“一带一路”地区地质灾害时空分布特征及防治对策[J]. 科技导报, 2020, 38(16): 45-52.
108. 孙何生, 邱海军*, 朱亚茹, 刘雅, 高祥语. 黄河上游典型流域滑坡稳定性预测及模型应用[J]. 西北大学学报(自然科学版), 2022, 52(3):380-390.