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Current position:
Paper Publications
Chang Huang
Personal Information:
Associate professor
Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
Chang Huang.Spatial Downscaling of Suomi NPP-VIIRS Image for Lake MappingWATER,2017,卷: 9 期: 11
Chang Huang.A Comparison of Terrain Indices toward Their Ability in Assisting Surface Water Mapping from Sentinel-1 DataISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION,2017,卷: 6 期: 5
Chang Huang.Detecting, Extracting, and Monitoring Surface Water From Space Using Optical Sensors: A ReviewREVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS,2018,卷: 56 期: 2 页: 333-360
Chang Huang.Surface water change detection using change vector analysisDig Int Geosci Remote Sens Symp (IGARSS),2016,v 2016-November,p2834-2837
Chang Huang.Surface Water Mapping from Suomi NPP-VIIRS Imagery at 30 m Resolution via Blending with Landsat DataREMOTE SENSING,2016,卷: 8 期: 8
黄昌.Spatial Downscaling of Suomi NPP-VIIRS Image for Lake MappingWATER,2017,卷: 9 期: 11
黄昌.DEM-based modification of pixel-swapping algorithm for enhancing floodplain inundation mappingInternational Journal of Remote Sensing,2014,35(1),365-381
黄昌.基于遥感和GIS的流域自然生态环境质量监测与评价——以无定河流域为例干旱区地理,2018,页码:134-141 页数:8
黄昌.A Comparison of Terrain Indices toward Their Ability in Assisting Surface Water Mapping from Sentinel-1 DataISPRS INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF GEO-INFORMATION,2017,卷: 6 期: 5
黄昌.An evaluation of Suomi NPP-VIIRS data for surface water detectionRemote Sens. Lett.,2015,v 6,n 2,p155-164
黄昌.Mapping spatio-temporal flood inundation dynamics at large river basin scale using time-series flow data and MODIS imageryInternational Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation,2014,26,350-362
黄昌.Detecting, Extracting, and Monitoring Surface Water From Space Using Optical Sensors: A ReviewREVIEWS OF GEOPHYSICS,2018,卷: 56 期: 2 页: 333-360
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