The Beauty of (Supramolecular) Chemistry
Crown Ether with Potassium Ion | Molecular Pentafoil Knot | Supramolecular Cage |
Cooin. Chem. Rev. 215, 171 (2001) | Nature Chem. 4, 15 (2011) Leigh Group | Science 328, 1144 (2010). Fujita group |
Pictures are from | https://www.beautifulchemistry.net/structure | |
Rotaxane formation | Contraction/extension motions |
Daisy chain | Porous organic cages for hydrogen isotope separation Science 366, 613 |
The inner life of the cell from Harvard University BioVision |
http://biovisions.mcb.harvard.edu/media.html |
Wu group
Tetrahedral Anion Cage Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2013, 52, 5096. |
Triple Helicate |
Tetrahedral Anion Cage Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 2015, 54, 8658. |
黄飞鹤教授:1973年出生。1996年7月本科毕业于合肥工业大学。1999年7月获得中国科技大学高分子化学与物理硕士学位,导师为何平笙教授和阮德礼教授。2005年3月获Virginia Polytechnic Institute & State University有机与高分子化学博士学位,导师为Harry W. Gibson教授。后在University of Utah化学系从事博士后工作,导师为Peter J. Stang教授。2005年12月起任浙江大学化学系教授,组建超分子化学研究小组。超分子化学、超分子聚合物、主客体化学、超分子两亲分子、非多孔自适应晶体(NACs)...Link... 超分子新物质创制创新工坊(以下简称“工坊”)在研究领域方面,工坊聚焦超分子新物质创制领域的世界前沿和重大科学问题,主要围绕超分子新物质创制的三个关键问题展开科学研究,通过发挥大团队优势互补、分工协作的优势,解决国内研究瓶颈,攻关领域难题。...Link... |
Prof. Dr. Christoph A. Schalley Lab: The group works in supramolecular chemistry with current projects in the gas-phase chemis-try of non-covalent complexes, surface chemistry, low-molecular weight gelators, and the analysis of the thermochemistry and ki-netics of multivalent binding in multiply threaded (pseudo)rotaxanes. |
李世军教授:主要从事超分子化学、卟啉化学与组装、超分子催化等领域的研究,在基于金属配位的超分子组装与调控、卟啉自组装与纳米药物、超分子手性催化等方面取得了一系列创新性成果。已在Nature Commun.、Proc. Nat. Acad. Sci. USA、J. Am. Chem. Soc.、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.、Chem. Sci.等国际主流学术期刊上发表SCI论文60余篇,出版论著1部,共被SCI期刊源论文引用2400余次,H因子26。...link... | |
Prof. Fraser Stoddart: ...He has pioneered the development of the use of molecular recognition and self-assembly processes in template-directed protocols for the syntheses of two-state mechanically interlocked compounds (bistable catenanes and rotaxanes) that have been employed as molecular switches and as motor-molecules in the fabrication of nanoelectronic devices and NanoElectroMechanical Systems (NEMS)... 2016 Nobel Prize in Chemistry ...link... | |
汪峰教授:主要研究方向为超分子聚合物的设计、可控制备与功能化,迄今已在J.Am.Chem.Soc.,Angew.Chem. Int. Ed., Chem.Soc.Rev., Macromolecules等SCI期刊发表论文60余篇,论文多次被同行大段评述和引用,入选爱思唯尔“2014年中国高被引学者”榜单。获2011年全国优博论文提名,并入选中科院青促会会员。研究兴趣:1. 超分子聚合体系的理性设计与可控制备;2. 超分子聚合机制研究;3. 具有光电、催化等特性的超分子功能材料。 ...link... | |
Prof. David A Leigh: group’s interests are broadly based on new approaches to function at the molecular level. Over the last two decades we have developed some of the first examples—all be they primitive by biological standards—of functional synthetic molecular level machines and motors. Perhaps the best way to appreciate the technological potential of controlled molecular-level motion is to recognise that nanomotors and molecular-level machines lie at the heart of every significant biological process… ...link... | |
朱克龙教授:主要研究方向有超分子化学、有机合成、有机/无机杂化材料。主要研究内容:(1) 新型功能大环分子的设计、合成及其主客体化学。(2) 基于轮烷、索烃、分子结等机械互锁拓扑结构的分子开关与分子机器。(3) 以机械互锁分子为单元构筑的功能材料,如凝胶、聚轮烷、金属有机框架材料(MOF)等,及其在物质检测与能源存储等研究中的应用。 ...link... | |
Prof. Stephen Loeb: Our chemistry involves developing new supramolecular templating motifs for the formation of interpenetrated host-guest species called pseudorotaxanes and their conversion into permanently interlocked molecules such as rotaxanes and catenanes... We are attempting to achieve this higher level of molecular organization by placing the dynamic molecular components of a MIM (Mechanically interlocked molecules) (e.g. rotation or translation) into either the pores of a metal–organic framework (MOF) material or the core structure of a mesomorphic liquid crystalline material. ...link... | |
董盛谊教授:基于各种弱相互作用,制备各种具有多重响应性超分子组装材料,重点开展:(1)基于冠醚的温敏性材料的研究;(2)利用微流控技术制备超分子聚合物;(3)超分子粘附材料的研究。在Adv. Mater.; Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.; Sci. Adv.; Chem. Sci.; Acc. Chem. Res.等国际期刊发表SCI检索论文30余篇。第一作者和通讯作者论文被引用超过500次,单篇引用超过200次,总影响因子(IF)之和超过100。 ...link... | |
Prof. Jonathan L. Sessler group: might be considered to be in the business of "Molecular Engineering" in that our research involves the design and construction of molecules carefully tailored so as to accomplish a specific objective. Often these objectives are medically or biologically inspired in that we seek to understand complex biochemical processes through the study of simple, well-characterized "model" compounds or use our knowledge of chemistry to prepare new compounds that we think could find application in the clinic as novel therapeutic or diagnostic agents... ...link... |
张明明教授:课题组致力于采用高分子科学与超分子化学相结合的策略,利用自下而上的自组装来构筑超分子聚合物材料,集中于开拓超分子聚合物在自修复材料、荧光生物材料以及有机光电材料方面的应用,推动新型智能材料的发展。 ...link... |
Prof. Peter J. Stang: The primary focus of our current research is molecular architecture and supramolecular chemistry via self-assembly. The motif used to construct supramolecular species is coordination and chelation to form discrete molecular entitites with well defined geometries and shapes. We are particularly interested in the assembly of various polygons and polyhedra. To build these supramolecular species one needs only units that provide the proper angles at the corners and hence shape and appropriate di and tritopic connectors. ...link... | |
颜徐州教授:Supramolecular Optoelectronics:Mechanically Adaptive Supramolecular Polymeric Materials for Stretchable Electronics;Mechanically Interlocked Polymeric Materials and Metallacyclic Polymers;Light-Emitting Organo-Metallic Materials. ...link... | |
Prof. Paul Beer Group: ...This is achieved via the synthesis of novel macrocyclic and interlocked hosts which are designed to complex cationic, anionic or neutral guest species, reporting the binding via redox- or photo-active moieties. Designing selective binding of specific guest species is paramount, with anion-templated and halogen bonding-directed motifs particularly being pursued by the group towards this goal. ...link... | |
池小东教授 超分子聚合物材料及3D打印材料 晶态有机多孔材料(MOFs、COFs、SOFs) 新型大环化合物的设计、合成、主客体性质研究以及超分子自组装研究 |
Prof. Makoto Fujita: ...1. Self-assembling molecular systems utilizing transition metals. 2. Chemistry of isolated nano-space: The metal-directed self-assembly of nan o-meter sized frameworks gives us an opportunity to develop the chemistry of "isolated nano-space". 3. Coordination polymers: The metal-directed self-assembly has been also applied to the preparation of non-covalent polymers with well-defined structures and interesting properties. ...link... | |
吉晓帆教授 粘附性高分子凝胶 可控性超分子聚合物 聚集诱导发光材料 |
Prof. Jonathan Nitschke: We use chemical self-assembly to create complex structures with targeted functions from simple building blocks. Our work deals with the preparation of complex structures using a process we refer to as subcomponent self-assembly... which are often metal ions like copper(I) and iron(II), although boron may be used as well. Both covalent (generally C=N) and coordinative (N→Template) bonds are formed during the same overall self-assembly process... ...link... | |
魏培发教授 1. 基于主客体化学和金属配位作用的的超分子组装 2. 聚集诱导发光体系的开发与功能研究 3. 室温磷光材料的设计与应用开发 |
Prof. Kimoon Kim: we strive to develop various emergent materials of micro-/mesoscale architectures and their adaptive systems that enable us to access molecular complexity and networks. The emergent materials of current interest exhibit unique physical and chemical properties, including unconventional catalysis, unorthodox magnetic coupling, and unusual cooperation of multifunctional properties. These materials are also expected to serve as building blocks for larger emergent materials and system. ...link... | |
喻国灿 清华大学,助理教授,博士生导师 课题组主要从事超分子功能材料和超分子诊疗等相关领域的科学研究,致力于开发新型功能材料,应用于疾病的早期诊断与精准治疗。本课题组的研究目标是,聚焦于化学、材料、生物、医学的交叉领域,针对生命科学与临床医学中的重要科学问题,开发前沿纳米生物技术、智能生物材料与器件,为疾病的诊断治疗和药物研发提供新思路新方法。 |
Prof. Philip Gale: Our specific interests are in the structural chemistry, selective recognition and transport of anionic species. We’re designing molecules that can replace the function of these faulty channels and that might in the future be able to be used as ‘channel replacement therapies’ to ameliorate the symptoms of this disease in CF patients. We’re also studying how anion transport processes are coupled to other processes such as proton transport... We’re therefore also studying the anti-cancer properties of our anion transporters. ...link... |
刘明,浙江大学:Ming Liu received his Ph.D degree in chemistry in 2009 from Department of Chemistry, Zhejiang University, China. Then he worked as a postdoctoral fellow in CNRS-East Paris Institute of Chemistry and Materials Science for one year, where he worked on synthesis of artificial polymeric ion channels. From June 2011, Ming joined Prof. Andy Cooper’s group in University of Liverpool as a research associate, working on porous organic cages. From 2014, he started focusing on the commercialization of organic cages, and in 2019, he co-founded start-up company CageCapture Ltd, and have taken the role as CTO since then. Ming has won many innovation/entrepreneurship prizes, including First Prize in 2016 Emerging Technologies Competition organized by Royal Society of Chemistry, and Spinoff Prize Finalist in 2020 from Nature Research. ...Link... |
Prof. Amar Flood: (1) Anion Recognition with Cyanostars: Design, synthesis, and self-assembly of small and giant molecular architectures for sequestion of anions. (2) Self-assembly of Organic Photovoltaics: Join a newly-funded collaborative project for the computer-aided design, synthesis, and self-assembly the next-generation organic electronics. (3) Molecular Switches (project ongoing but related to foldamers and cyanostars). ...link... | |
揭克诚,特聘研究员、博士生导师、国家级青年人才计划入选者。2012年浙江大学本科毕业,2017年浙江大学化学系博士毕业(导师:黄飞鹤教授),2015年-2016年在英国利物浦大学联合培养(导师:Andrew I. Cooper 院士)。2017年-2019年在美国田纳西大学与橡树岭国家实验室从事博士后研究工作(合作导师:Sheng Dai教授);2019年-2021年在英国剑桥大学化学系担任玛丽居里学者(合作导师:Jonathan Nitschke教授);2022年加入南京大学化学化工学院。目前主要致力于超分子化学与功能材料、吸附分离过程、有机功能材料化学、配位超分子化学等相关研究。迄今为止共发表SCI论文60余篇,其中以第一或者共同通讯作者发表SCI论文26篇,包括J. Am. Chem. Soc. (9篇)、Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. (5篇)、Nat. Commun. (1篇)、Adv. Mater. (2篇)、Acc. Chem. Res. (1篇)、Chem. Soc. Rev. (2篇)等。论文总引用3600余次,H因子为32。...Link... | |