- 教师拼音名称:weianlei
- 所在单位:城市与环境学院
- 联系方式:陕西省西安市长安区学府大街1号,西北大学城市与环境学院,710127
- 学科:环境工程
- 2021-09-10曾获荣誉当选:西北大学优秀教师
- 2013-09-10曾获荣誉当选:西北大学优秀教师
[12]李琦.Changes in major factors affecting the ecosystem health of the Weihe River in Shaanxi Province, ChinaFrontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering,2013,7(6): 875-885
[14]张妍.华北平原玉米种植中施入氮肥的去向研究水土保持学报,2018,页码:210-215 页数:6
[15]韦安磊.尿素改性生物质炭吸附水中氨氮研究环境污染与防治,2017,39 (10) :1077-1081
[16]张妍.Quantification of nitrate sources and fates in rivers in an irrigated agricultural area using environmental isotopes and a Bayesian isotope mixing modelCHEMOSPHERE,2018,卷: 208 页: 493-501
[17]韦安磊.Enhanced nitrate removal and high selectivity towards dinitrogen for groundwater remediation using biochar-supported nano zero-valent ironCHEMICAL ENGINEERING JOURNAL,2018,卷: 353 页: 595-605
[18]韦安磊.Applicability analysis on the improved one-dimension steady-state river water quality modelAppl. Mech. Mater.,2013,v 405-408,p2254-2259