1. 团簇物理学
团簇理论研究也相应向纵深发展,研究对象从单质团簇过渡到了多元团簇和配体团簇;研究内容从尺寸效应已发展到物性调控,从自由团簇到组装团簇, 再到探索团簇组装器件的实际应用,实现了真正意义上的材料设计,进一步促进原子制造的成长和发展。
2. 低维材料计算研究
当今社会,环境污染和能源短缺已成为人们生产生活面临的严峻挑战,太阳能被公认为是最具应用前景的清洁能源之一。光催化技术因能够直接利用太阳能驱动光解水制氢、降解污染物等反应成为解决能源和环境问题的重要技术手段。 然而现有光催化材料常存在电子-空穴复合率高、光催化效率低等问题,限制了光催化技术的广泛应用。寻找新型光催化材料成为光催化技术发展的必然需求。本课题选择 HOMO—LUMO能隙大的稳定团簇作为组装单元,通过“自下而上”团簇组装方法设计构造新型光催化材料。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目(No. 11974277),高居里温度铁磁二维材料的超原子构筑与磁性调控研究,2020.01-2023.12,郭平, 主持.
2. 陕西省自然科学基金面上项目(No. 2020JM-441), 二维材料范德瓦尔斯异质结光学性能的理论研究,2020.01-2022.12,万云, 第一参加人.
1. Jia Liu, Ping Guo*, Jiming Zheng, Puju Zhao, Zhenyi Jiang, and Lei Shen, Self-Assembly of Two-Dimensional Sheet with Ta@Si16 Superatoms and Its Magnetic and Photocatalytic Properties, The Journal of Physical Chemistry C, 2020, 124(12): 6861-6870
2. Ping Guo*, Lulu Fu, Jiming Zheng, Puju Zhao, Yun Wan, Zhenyi Jiang, Enhanced magnetism in the VLi8 magnetic superatom supported on graphene, Applied Surface Science 465 (2019) 207–211.
3. Z. Nie, P.Guo, J.M.Zheng, P.J.Zhao, Y.Wan, Z.Y.Jiang, Electronic and magnetic properties of two dimensional cluster-assembled materials based on TM@Si12 (TM=3d transition metal) clusters, Comp.Mater.Sci. 146 (2018)134-142.
4. S. Zhai, P.Guo, J. Zheng, P. Zhao, B. Suo, Y. Wan, Density functional theory study on the stability, electronic structure and absorption spectrum of small size g-C3N4 quantum dots, Comp. Mater. Sci., 148 (2018)149-156.
5. 翟顺成,郭平*,郑继明,赵普举,索兵兵,万云,第一性原理研究O和S掺杂的石墨相氮化碳 (g-C3N4)6量子点电子结构和光吸收性质,物理学报,66(18)(2017)187102.
6. X. Guo, P. Guo*, J. Zheng, L. Cao, P. Zhao, First-principles calculations study of Na adsorbed on silicene,Apply surface science 341(2015)69-74.
7. P. Guo* , J. Zheng , X. Guo , L.Cao, Q. Wei, Electronic and magnetic properties of transition-metal-doped sodium superatom clusters: TM@Na8 (TM = 3d, 4d and 5d transition metal),Computational Materials Science 95 (2014) 440–445.
8. Ping Guo*, Lin Zheng, Jiming Zheng, Ruizhii Zhang, Luna Yang, Zhaoyu Ren, Density functional study of TaSin (n=1-3, 12) clusters adsorbed to graphene surface, Apply surface science, 258 (2011) 705– 710.
9.Guo Ping*, Zheng Jiming, Zhao Pei,Zheng Linlin, Ren Zhao-Yu, The relativistic density functional investigations on geometries, electronic and magnetic properties of Irn (n=1-13) clusters, Chin Phys B 10(8)(2010) 083601-8
10. Ping Guo, Weijun Chen et al, A DFT study of the interaction between butein anion and metal cations (M = Mg2+, Cr2+, Fe2+, and Cu2+:Taking an insightinto its chelating property, J. Mol. Struct (THEOCHEM) 849 (2008) 33-36
11. Ping Guo, Zhao-Yu Ren, A-Ping Yang, Ju-Guang Han, Guang-Hou Wang, A relativistic computational investigation: Structural and Electronic properties of TaSin+ (n=1~13,16) Clusters, J. Phys. Chem. A, 110(2006)7453-7460;
12. Ping Guo, Zhao-Yu Ren, Fan Wang, Jiang Bian, Ju-Guang Han, Guang-hou Wang, Structural and electronic properties of TaSin (n=1~13) Clusters: A relativistic density functional investigation, J. Chem. Phys, 121 (2004)12265-12276.