Songzhe Fu   Associate professor

主要研究方向为:病原微生物毒力进化机制与早期预警研究。针对我国环境病原监测技术体系尚未建立,相关基础研究严重不足的现状,围绕上述科学问题开展了一系列研究,取得的成果包括:1、通过环境监测阐明了我国动物用益生菌存在重大安全隐患,研究论文发表于Clinical Infectious Diseases后被包括美国传染病政策研究中心,中国热心肠日报等多家国内外媒体转载;随后2021年5月,农业农村部发布了(农渔发[2021]1号)通知,要求将...Detials

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1、通过环境监测阐明了我国动物用益生菌存在重大安全隐患,研究论文发表于Clinical Infectious Diseases后










1.       Fu S, et al. Targeted amplicon sequencing facilitated a novel risk assessment framework for assessing the prevalence of broad spectrum bacterial and coronavirus diseases. Science of the Total Environment, 2024, 857:159357(一区Top期刊)

2. Fu S, et al. Longitudinal wastewater surveillance of four key pathogens during an unprecedented large-scale COVID-19 outbreak in China facilitated a novel strategy for addressing public health priorities - a proof of concept study. Water Research, 2023, 247: 120751 (一区Top期刊)

3. Fu S*, Wang R, Zhang J, Xu Z, Yang X, Yang Q.  Temporal variability of microbiome in the different plankton hosts revealed distinct environmental persistence of Vibrio parahaemolyticus in shrimp farms. Microbiol Res. 2023; 275:127464. (中科院2区期刊)

4. Fu S*, Zhang Y, Wang R, Qiu Z, Song W, Yang Q, Shen L. A novel culture-enriched metagenomic sequencing strategy effectively guarantee the microbial safety of drinking water by uncovering the low abundance pathogens. J Environ Manage. 2023345:118737. (中科院1Top期刊)

5. Fu S*, He F, Wang R, Song W, Wang Q, Xia W, Qiu Z. Development of quantitative wastewater surveillance models facilitated the precise epidemic management of COVID-19. Science of the Total Environment. 2023; 857(Pt 1):159357. (中科院1Top期刊)

6. Fu S*, Wang Q, Wang R, Zhang Y, Lan R, He F, Yang Q. Horizontal transfer of antibiotic resistance genes within the bacterial communities in aquacultural environment. Sci Total Environ. 2022; 820:153286. (中科院1Top期刊)

7.        Fu S*, Yang Q, Sheng Y, Wang Q, Wu J, Qiu Z, Lan R, Wang Y, Liu, Y. Metagenomics combined with comprehensive validation as a public health risk assessment tool for urban and agricultural run-off. Water Research. 2022; 209: 117941. (中科院1Top期刊)

8.        Fu S*, Yang Q*, Wang Q, Pang B*, Lan R, Wei D, Qu B, Liu Y. Continuous Genomic Surveillance Monitored the In Vivo Evolutionary Trajectories of Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Identified a New Virulent Genotype. mSystems. 2021;6(1):e01254-20. (中科院2区期刊)

9.        Fu S, Wang Q, Zhang Y, Yang Q, Hao J, Liu Y, Pang B*. Dynamics and Microevolution of Vibrio parahaemolyticus Populations in Shellfish Farms. mSystems. 2021;6(1):e01161-20. (中科院2区期刊)

10.     Fu S, Yang Q, He F, Lan R, Hao J, Ni P, Liu Y, Li R. National Safety Survey of Animal-use Commercial Probiotics and Their Spillover Effects from Farm to Humans: An Emerging Threat to Public Health. Clin Infect Dis. 2020;70(11):2386-2395(中科院1Top期刊)

11.     Fu S, Wei D, Yang Q, Xie G, Pang B, Wang Y, Lan R, Wang Q, Dong X, Zhang X, Huang J*, Feng J*, Liu Y*. Horizontal Plasmid Transfer Promotes the Dissemination of Asian Acute Hepatopancreatic Necrosis Disease and Provides a Novel Mechanism for Genetic Exchange and Environmental Adaptation. mSystems. 2020;5(2):e00799-19. (中科院2区期刊)

12.     Fu S*, Xia W, Wang Q, Rahman MM, Hao J, Ye S, Liu Y, Li R. Genomic characterization and pathogenicity analysis of the probiotic Vagococcus lutrae strain VL-18 causing severe skin lesions in warm-blooded animals. Aquaculture. 2020; 523:735166. (中科院1Top期刊)