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Shisheng Sun

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Paper Publications

64. Jiechen Shen, Zexuan Chen, Shisheng Sun. Identifying intact N-glycopeptides from tandem mass spectrometry data using StrucGP. Biophysics Reports. 2022, 8(5-6): 282-300.


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Translation or Not:no

Pre One:65. Zhuo Chen, Xiangqin Chen, Bojing Zhu, Hanjie Yu, Xiaojuan Bao, Yao Hou, Wanghua Song, Shisheng Sun*, Zheng Li*. TGF-β1 Triggers Salivary Hypofunction via Attenuating Protein Secretion and AQP5 Expression in Human Submandibular Gland Cells. Journal of Proteome Research. 2023, 22(9): 2803-2813.

Next One:Bojing Zhu, Zexuan Chen, Jiechen Shen, Yintai Xu, Rongxia Lan, Shisheng Sun*. Structural- and Site-Specific N-Glycosylation Characterization of COVID-19 Virus Spike with StrucGP. Analytical Chemistry. 2022,