Current position: Home >> Awards and Honours
Shisheng Sun

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  

Awards and Honours

陕西高等学校科学技术研究优秀成果奖 (2023年, 特等奖, 团队, 排名9/31)


Title of Achievement:糖蛋白质组学新方法及在生命医学研究中的应用

Affiliation of Participants:西北大学

Order of Affiliations of Authors:1

Granted by:陕西省教育厅

Note:获奖名单公示: 西大报道:

School Sign:孙士生,申洁晨,贾丽,党刘毅,朱伯婧,李鹏飞,李俊,赵婷,辛苗苗,兰荣霞,徐寅泰

Type of Outcome:Thesis

Level of Award:Province/ city

Grade of Award:Outstanding award

Type of Award:National Prize for Natural Sciences

Discipline:Natural Science

First-Level Discipline:Biology

Date of Award:2023-04-10

Number of Participants:11

Primary Participant:孙士生

Primary Participant:申洁晨

Primary Participant:贾丽

Primary Participant:党刘毅

Primary Participant:朱伯婧

Primary Participant:李鹏飞

Primary Participant:李俊

Primary Participant:赵婷

Primary Participant:辛苗苗

Primary Participant:兰荣霞

Primary Participant:徐寅泰

Pre One:Glyco26会议旅行奖 (Travel Award, 2023年8月台北, 博士生申洁晨)

Next One:吴庆云研究生奖学金 (2023年, 硕士生陈泽轩, 1/10)