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个人信息:Personal Information
教师英文名称:Chengyi Dai
个人简介Personal Profile
代成义,男,中共党员,现为西北大学教授、博导。主要研究方向为:碳一化工;能源催化转化。主持国家重点研发计划课题2项,国家自然科学基金委项目2项,省部级科研项目4项;入选陕西省高层次人才引进计划,陕西省秦创原“科学家+工程师”团队首席科学家,担任TRANSACTIONS OF TIANJIN UNIVERSITY, Molecules, 低碳化学与化工, 西北大学学报等学术期刊的青年编委或客座编辑,获辽宁省优秀博士论文,西北大学科研奖、优秀教师、优秀共产党员等奖励。先后在ACS Catalysis, ACS Nano, Advanced Functional Materials等期刊发表SCI检索论文60余篇;获授权国家发明专利12项。
(1) 甲醇制芳烃高效催化转化关键问题研究,国家重点研发计划课题,2018.5-2021.4;
(2) CO2定向转化高效催化剂的设计和开发,国家重点研发计划课题,2022.12-2026.11;
(3) 用于合成气与萘直接烷基化新工艺的双功能催化剂设计合成与构-效关系研究,国家自然科学基金面上项目,2023.1-2026.12;
(4) 用于合成气制芳烃的中空纳米沸石封装金属催化剂的设计、合成及催化机理研究,国家自然科学基金青年基金,2018.1-2020.12;
(5) 纳米分子筛-双金属燃烧催化剂设计制备及燃烧性能研究,国防科技重点实验室基金,2022.6-2024.6;
(6) 乙烷与苯一步法制乙苯技术,西北大学-延长石油集团合作项目,2022.1- 2023.12;
(7) 苯与合成气一步法制甲苯/二甲苯技术研究,西北大学-延长石油集团合作项目,2020.1-2021.12,;
(8) 粘结性低阶洗中煤热解提质-煤焦气化过程关键技术研究,陕西省重点研发计划课题,2022.1-2024.12;
(9) 金属-分子筛双功能催化剂用于合成气与苯烷基化制甲苯/二甲苯研究,煤炭高效利用与绿色化工国家重点实验室开放课题,2021.1-2022.12;
(11) 二氧化碳加氢制芳烃双功能催化剂的设计、合成及构效关系研究,陕西省科技厅自然科学基础研究计划,2018.1-2019.12;
(12) 甲烷无氧芳构化催化剂的设计合成,陕西省教育厅研究项目,2017.6- 2018.12;
(13) 金属-沸石双功能催化剂用于二氧化碳加氢制芳烃研究,西北大学紫藤计划,2019.1-2020.12;
(14) 碳一化学品洁净高效转化制芳烃的催化基础,西北大学登峰计划,2019.1-2020.12。
(1). Xinyu Qi, Jinglong Geng, Siyuan Zhao, Xiaoxun Ma, Chengyi Dai*, Zr-containing deboronated beta zeolite as a catalyst for the 1,3-butadiene obtaining process from an ethanol-acetaldehyde mixture. Fuel 387 (2025) 134395.
(1). Yetong Li , Kailong He , Siyuan Zhao , Linyu Jiao , Huiyong Chen , Xiaoxun Ma , Chengyi Dai*, Highly selective production of 2-methylnaphthalene by CO2 hydrogenation and naphthalene alkylation. Chemical Engineering Journal 501 (2024) 157839.
(2). Kailong He, Yetong Li, Zhenbo Li, Jie Chen, Li Tan, Ting Qiu, XinGang Li, Xiaoxun Ma, Chengyi Dai*, Enhanced ethanol synthesis via CO2 hydrogenation using La-Doped CuFeOx catalysts Chemical Engineering Journal 501 (2024) 157608.
(3). Ke Ma, Siyuan Zhao, Meixin Dou, Xiaoxun Ma, and Chengyi Dai*, Enhancing the Stability of Methanol-to-Oleffns Reaction Catalyzed by SAPO-34 Zeolite in the Presence of CO2 and Oxygen-VacancyRich ZnCeZrOx. ACS Catalysis, 2024, 14, 2, 594-607.
(4). Meixin Dou, Zhongshun Chen, Siyuan Zhao, Ke Ma, Dongyuan Yang,* Xiaoxun Ma, and Chengyi Dai* One-Step Production of Ethylbenzene from Ethane and Benzene on the PtZnPr/ZSM‑5 Catalyst, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research 2024, 63, 10596−10607.
(1) Runze Jin, Ke Ma, Zhongshun Chen, Zhongqiang Tang, Haobin Hu, Jiaofei Wang, Zhuangzhuang Zhang, Chengyi Dai*, Xiaoxun Ma*, Effect of CO2 on the catalytic performance of Zn/ZSM-5 towards the conversion of methanol to aromatics, Fuel, 2023, 332, 126247.
(2) Zhongqiang Tang, Siyuan Zhao, Xiao Zhao, Runze Jin, Jiaofei Wang, Zhuangzhuang Zhang, Haobin Hu, Xinwen Guo, Chengyi Dai*, Xiaoxun Ma*, “ZnAlCrOx&HZSM-5” bifunctional catalyst for one-step alkylation of naphthalene and syngas, Fuel, 2023, 332, 126093.
(3) Gaosheng Ren, Zhihui Su, Yu Tang, Weichen Du, Nan Xu, Chengyi Dai*, Xiaoxun Ma*, 4-Mercaptobenzoic acid-anchored ultrafine Ag nanoparticles for efficient CO2 electrochemical reduction, Applied Surface Science, 2023, 608, 155251.
(4) Yu Tang, Yi Cui, Gaosheng Ren, Ke Ma, Xiaoxun Ma, Chengyi Dai*, Chunshan Song*, One-step synthesis of methanol and hydrogen from methane and water using non-thermal plasma and Cu-Mordenite catalyst. Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 244, 107722.
(1) Wenfei Bi, Yu Tang, Xuemei Li, Chengyi Dai*, Chunshan Song, Xinwen Guo, Xiaoxun Ma. One-step direct conversion of methane to methanol with water in non-thermal plasma. Communications Chemistry, 2022, 5, 124.
(2) Gaosheng Ren, Tianfu Dai, Yu Tang, Zhihui Su, Nan Xu, Weichen Du, Chengyi Dai*, Xiaoxun Ma*, Preparation of hydrophobic three-dimensional hierarchical porous zinc oxide for the promotion of electrochemical CO2 reduction, Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2022, 65, 102256.
(3) Xiao Zhao, Xuan Shi, Zhongshun Chen, Long Xu, Chengyi Dai*, Yazhou Zhang, Xinwen Guo, Dongyuan Yang*, Xiaoxun Ma*. Efficient conversion of benzene and syngas to toluene and xylene over ZnO-ZrO2&H-ZSM-5 bifunctional catalysts, Chin. J. Chem. Eng. 2022, 45, 203-210.
(4) Yi Cui, Hui Yang, Chengyi Dai,* Pengju Ren,* Chunshan Song, and Xiaoxun Ma Coupling of LaFeO3−Plasma Catalysis and Cu+/Cu0 Electrocatalysis for Direct Ammonia Synthesis from Air, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2022, 61, 4816-4823.
(5) Runze Jin, Haobin Hu, Jiaofei Wang, Zhuangzhuang Zhang, Chengyi Dai*, Xiaoxun Ma*,SAPO-34 and Zn/ZSM-5 synergistic catalysis of methanol to aromatics from light olefins,New J. Chem., 2022,46, 8443-8450.
(6) Runze Jin, Ke Ma, Shutao Xu, Yingxu Wei, Lijuan Song, Zhijun Li, Penghui Zhang, Yufeng Wang, Jiaofei Wang, Zhuangzhuang Zhang, Xiaoxun Ma,* Haobin Hu,* Chengyi Dai* and Xinwen Guo*, Effect of acid distribution and pore structure of ZSM-5 on catalytic performance, React. Chem. Eng., 2022,7, 2152-2162.
(7) 赵潇; 陈中顺; 唐忠强; 石轩; 代成义*; 马晓迅*. EDTA辅助制备高活性费托合成催化剂[J]. 化工进展, 2022,41,759-769.
(8) 毕文菲,代成义*,李雪梅,贺建勋,赵彬然,马晓迅*. 等离子体与Cu-Pd/S-1催化剂协同催化甲烷转化制低碳烯烃[J]. 化工进展,2022,41,227-236.
(9) 石轩;杨东元;胡浩斌;王焦飞;张壮壮;贺建勋;代成义*;马晓迅*. 苯与合成气在ZnAlCrOx&HZSM-5双功能催化剂上一步法制甲苯/二甲苯[J]. 化工进展,2022,41,247-259.
(1) Xuemei Li, Yueyue Jiao, Yi Cui, Chengyi Dai*, Pengju Ren*, Chunshan Song, Xiaoxun Ma. Synergistic Catalysis of the Synthesis of Ammonia with Co-Based Catalysts and Plasma: From Nanoparticles to a Single Atom. ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces 2021, 13, 44, 52498-52507.
(2) Chengyi Dai*, Menghan Zhang, Xinwen Guo, Xiaoxun Ma*, Mesoporous composite Ni-C-N/SA for selective adsorption of methylene blue from water. Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 407, 127181.
(3) Chengyi Dai*, Xuemei Li, Menghan Zhang, Yi Cui, Binran Zhao, Xiaoxun Ma*. A silica-supported Ni-based catalyst prepared using TEPA for the plasma synthesis of ammonia. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46, 2213-2224.
(4) Chengyi Dai*, Xiao Zhao, Borui Hu, Xinbao Zhang, Qunxing Luo, Xinwen Guo, Xiaoxun Ma*. Effect of EDTA-2Na modification on Fe-Co/Al2O3 for hydrogenation of carbon dioxide to lower olefins and gasoline. Journal of CO2 Utilization, 2021, 43, 101369.
(1) Chengyi Dai*, Kang Du, Zhongshun Chen, Xinwen Guo, Xiaoxun Ma* Synergistic catalysis of multi-stage-pore-rich H-BZSM-5 and Zn-ZSM-5 for the production of aromatic hydrocarbons from methanol via lower olefins. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 20693-20700.
(2) Chengyi Dai, Kang Du, Chunshan Song*, Xinwen Guo*. Recent progress in synthesis and application of zeolite-encapsulated metal catalysts. Adv Catal. 2020, 91-133.
(3) Chengyi Dai*, Xiao Zhao, Borui Hu, Jiaxing Zhang, Qing-Qing Hao, Huiyong Chen, Xinwen Guo, and Xiaoxun Ma*,Hydrogenation of CO2 to aromatics over Fe-K/alkaline Al2O3 and P/ZSM-5 tandem catalysts. Ind. Eng. Chem. Res. 2020, 59, 19194-19202.
(4) 代成义*,陈中顺,杜康,赵潇,时一鸣,陈星月,刘丹,马晓迅*. 甲醇制芳烃催化剂及相关工艺研究进展. 化工进展, 2020,39,5029-5041.
(1) Chengyi Dai, Anfeng Zhang, Chunshan Song*, Xinwen Guo*. Chapter Two -Advances in the synthesis and catalysis of solid and hollow zeolite-encapsulated metal catalysts. Adv. Catal., 2018, 63, 75-115.
(2) Chengyi Dai, Anfeng Zhang, Lei Luo, Xinbao Zhang, Min Liu, Junhu Wang, Xinwen Guo*, Chunshan Song*. Hollow zeolite-encapsulated Fe-Cu bimetallic catalysts for phenol degradation. Catal. Today, 2017, 335-343.
(3) Chengyi Dai, Anfeng Zhang, Junjie Li, Changhong Nie, Chunshan Song and Xinwen Guo*, Precise control of the sizes of zeolite B-ZSM-5 based on seed surface crystallization. RSC Adv. 2017, 7, 37915-37922.
(4) Chengyi Dai, Anfeng Zhang, Lin Gu, Chunshan Song*, Xinwen Guo*. Hollow alveolus-like nanovesicle assembly with metal-encapsulated hollow zeolite nanocrystals. ACS Nano, 2016, 10, 7401-7408.
(5) Chengyi Dai, Anfeng Zhang, Junjie Li, Fangyu Song, Chunshan Song*, Xinwen Guo*. Facile one-step synthesis of hierarchical porous carbon monoliths as superior catalytic support for CO2 hydrogenation. RSC Adv., 2016, 6, 10831-10836.
(6) Chengyi Dai, Anfeng Zhang, Min Liu, Xinwen Guo*, Chunshan Song*. Hollow ZSM-5 with silicon-rich surface, double shells and functionalized interior with metallic nanoparticles and carbon nanotubes. Adv. Funct. Mater., 2015, 25, 7479-7487.
(7) Chengyi Dai, Shaohua Zhang, Anfeng Zhang, Chunshan Song*, Chuan Shi*, Xinwen Guo*. Hollow Zeolite encapsulated Ni-Pt bimetals for sintering and coking resistant dry reforming of methane. J. Mater. Chem. A, 2015, 3, 16461-16468.
(8) Chengyi Dai, Xinmin Li, Anfeng Zhang, Chun Liu*, Chunshan Song, Xinwen Guo*. Pd and Pd-CuO nanoparticles in hollow silicalite-1 single crystals for enhancing selectivity and activity for the Suzuki-Miyaura reaction. RSC Adv., 2015, 5, 40297-40302.
(9) Chengyi Dai, Anfeng Zhang, Junjie Li, Keke Hou, Min Liu, Chunshan Song*, Xinwen Guo*. Synthesis of yolk–shell HPW@Hollow silicalite-1 for esterification reaction. Chem. Commun., 2014, 50, 4846-4848.
(10) Chengyi Dai, Anfeng Zhang, Lingling Li, Keke Hou, Fanshu Ding, Jie Li, Dengyou Mu, Chunshan Song*, Min Liu, Xinwen Guo*. Synthesis of hollow nanocubes and macroporous monoliths of silicalite-1 by alkaline treatment. Chem. Mater., 2013, 25, 4197-4205.
(1) 代成义; 赵潇; 石轩; 代天富; 杨东元; 一种催化合成气与苯制甲苯和二甲苯的催化剂及其制备方法, ZL202010028062.9.
(2) 代成义; 郭新闻; 张安峰; 刘民; 侯珂珂; 谷琳; 一种中空式ZSM-5纳米沸石的制备方法, ZL201110398881.3.
(3) 代成义; 赵潇; 胡柏睿; 代天富; 马晓迅; 毕文菲; 杜康; 一种合成气制汽油联产低碳烯烃的催化剂及其制备方法, ZL201910630636.7.
(4) 代成义; 杜康; 陈中顺; 陈星月; 时一鸣; 刘丹; 马晓迅; 一种对低碳烯烃具有较高选择性的催化剂及其制备方法, ZL201910785483.3.
(5) 代成义; 张梦寒; 毕文菲; 李雪梅; 选择性吸附亚甲基蓝的吸附剂及其制备方法和应用, ZL201910701736.4.
(6) 代成义; 李雪梅; 崔懿; 张梦寒; 毕文菲; 应用于利用等离子体技术合成氨气的反应中的催化剂及其制备方法, ZL201910701715.2.
(7) 代成义; 时一鸣; 杜康; 陈星月; 马晓迅; 一种纳米棒状ZSM-5分子筛的制备方法, ZL201910702966.2.
(8) 代成义; 毕文菲;李雪梅;张梦寒;一种低温等离子体-光耦合甲烷制甲醇的催化剂的制备方法及制备甲醇的方法,ZL202010968347.0
(9) 代成义; 黄肖杰; 石轩; 耿景龙; 苏志慧; 杨东元; 孙育滨; 高伟; 一种乙醇两步法制1 ,3-丁二烯的催化剂的制备方法,ZL202110904158 .1
(10) 代成义; 赵潇; 唐忠强; 金润泽; 任高升; 一种用于合成气与萘一步法制2-甲基萘/2 ,6-二甲基萘的催化剂的制备方法及应用,ZL202011639988 .8
(11) 代成义; 赵潇; 陈中顺; 崔懿; 唐玉; 一种用于合成气与联苯/4-甲基联苯一步法甲基化的催化剂的制备方法和应用,ZL202011638844 .0