Ce Zhang
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Paper Publications
Macromolecular crowding induced elongation and compaction of single DNA molecules condensed in a nanochannelPNAS, 106: 16651- 16656 (2009),
Effects of Hfq on the conformation and compaction of DNANucleic Acids Research. 43: 4332-4341 (2015),
Universal signal generator for dynamic cell stimulation.Lab on a Chip, 17(13): 2218-2224 (2017).,
Linearisation and Labelling of Single-Stranded DNA for Optical Sequence AnalysisJ. Phys. Chem. Lett. 10, 316-321 (2019).,
Ultra-multiplexed analysis of single-cell dynamics reveals logic rules in differentiationAdvances , 2019, 5(4): 0-eaav7959.,
Liver Tumor Spheroid Reconstitution for Testing Mitochondrial Targeted Magnetic Hyperthermia TreatmentACS Biomaterials-Science & Engineering, 2019, 5(3): 1635-1644.,
On-chip Carba NP test for accurate and high throughput detection of carbapenemase-producing EnterobacteriaceaeTalanta, 2020, 210: 0-120656.,
Active Fluidic Chip produced using 3D-printing for Combinatorial Therapeutic Screening on Liver Tumor SpheroidBiosensors and Bioelectronics, 2020, 151: 0-111966,
Surface-Directed Structural Transition of Amyloidogenic Aggregates and the Resulting Neuro-toxicityACS Omega, 2020, 5(6 ): 2856-2864.,
马沛.Enzyme-Nanowire Mesocrystal Hybrid Materials with an Extremely High Biocatalytic ActivityNano Letters,2018,18,5919-5926
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