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曾宪飞,医学博士,主任技师(医师),副教授,硕士研究生导师,陕西省中青年科技创新领军人才,西安市科技专家,“秦创原”科研创新人才,陕西省科技业务评审专家。2015年任“三甲医院”(军队医院)科主任,负责检验科、输血科、病理科;2020年任西安区域医学检验中心副总裁兼检验中心总经理,创新建立了大型区域性医学检验中心的信息化管理体系、质量管理同质化体系等;2020年任西北大学医学院副教授;2025年任西安大兴医院渭水园医院检验科主任。长期从事临床检验科研、教学和管理工作,主讲本科生《精准医学》、《临床检验诊断学》。兼任西咸新区临床检验质量控制中心常务副主任、中华医学会临床输血学分会青年学组常委、陕西省健康促进与教育协会检验医学专业委员会副主任委员、陕西省医学会医学检验分会委员、中国医学装备人工智能联盟检验医学委员会委员、陕西省中西医结合分会检验医学专委会常务委员、西安医学会检验医学分会常务委员等。《中华检验医学杂志》审稿专家、Interdisciplinary Medicine编委,SCI收录期刊 Renal Failure、Journal of Clinical Laboratory Analysis、Biomarkers in Medicine、Trials等审稿人。
1. Xian-Fei Zeng, Jun-Min Li, Yun Tan, et al. Performance of urinary NGAL and L-FABP in predicting acute kidney injury and subsequent renal recovery: a cohort study based on major surgeries. Clinical Chemistry and Laboratory Medicine, 2014, 52 (5): 671-678.
2. Xian-Fei Zeng, Yueyun Ma, Liu Yang, et al. A C-terminal truncated mutation of licC attenuates the virulence of Streptococcus pneumoniae. Research in Microbiology. 2014, 165: 630-638.
3. Xian-Fei Zeng, Dong-Xue Lu, Jun-Min Li, et al. Performance of urinary neutrophil gelatinase-associated lipocalin, clusterin, and cystatin C in predicting diabetic kidney disease and diabetic microalbuminuria: a consecutive cohort study. BMC Nephrology, 2017, 18: 233-243.
4. Xianfei Zeng, Yan Liao, Xiaoshuang Wu, et al. Association between recipient survival and blood donor age after blood transfusion in a surgery intensive care unit: A multicenter randomized controlled trial study protocol. Trials, 2020, 21(1):621-629.
5. Zeng X, Fang L, Peng Y, et al. A multicenter reference interval study of thromboelastography in the Chinese adult population. Thromb Res. 2020, 195:180-186,
6. Xian-Fei Zeng. Deletion of DprA RF domain attenuates the virulence of Streptococcus pneumoniae. AMMI Canada, 2015. (Canadian Association for Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases, Annual Conference,Poster presentation).
7. Xianfei Zeng, Hongyan Fan, Dongxue Lu, et al. Association between ABO blood groups and clinical outcome of coronavirus disease 2019: Evidence from two cohorts. MedRxiv, 2020, 4.12. doi: https://doi.org/10.1101/2020.04.15.20063107
8. Xiangyang Qin , Jinmei Xu , Xianfei Zeng*, et al. Dehydrozaluzanin C, a novel type of antibacterial agent which targets transporting proteins, Opp and OpuC. Genes Dis. 2021,9(4):830-832.
9.Xianfei Zeng, Xi Meng , Yafen Wang, et al. A reference interval study of ferritin and transferrin levels in donors from two blood centers. Exp Ther Med. 2023, 25(5):218.
10.Xianfei Zeng, Hongyan Fan, Jinxin Kou, et al. Analysis between ABO blood group and clinical outcomes in COVID-19 patients and the potential mediating role of ACE2. Front. Med. 2023, 10:1167452.
11.Ting Ding, Weixiang He, Xianfei Zeng*, et al. Metabolic profiling in tissues and urine of patients with prostatic lesions and the diagnostic value of urine extracellular vesicles metabolites in prostate cancer. Clinica Chimica Acta. 2024, 556:117845.
12.Xucai Dong, Xi Meng, Xian-Fei Zeng*, et al. Comparative study on the quality control effectiveness of AI-PBRTQC and traditional PBRTQC model in identifying quality risks. Biochem Med (Zagreb). 2024, 34(2):020707.