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Xinfeng Zhao

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Paper Publications

One-step methodology for the direct covalent capture of GPCRs from complex matrices onto solid surfaces based on the bioorthogonal reaction between haloalkane dehalogenase and chloroalkanes


Impact Factor0.0

DOI number:10.1039/c7sc03887a

Affiliation of Author(s):生命科学学院

Journal:, Chemical science

Indexed by:Journal paper



Page Number:446-456

ISSN No.:2041-6520

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2018-01-14

Included Journals:SCI


Pre One:Binding kinetics of five drugs to beta2-adrenoceptor using peak profiling method and nonlinear chromatography

Next One:Bioactive compounds of Shuang–Huang–Lian prescription and an insight into its binding mechanism by β2‐adrenoceptor chromatography coupled with site‐directed molecular docking