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Wenzhe Liu
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Paper Publications
[25]赵鹏.Simple DNA extraction method for SSR-PCR analysis from different tissues of Tapiscia sinensis, an endangered plant speciesINDIAN JOURNAL OF GENETICS AND PLANT BREEDING,2015,卷: 75 期: 3 页: 393-395
[26]刘文哲.Laticiferous canal formation in fruits of Decaisnea fargesii: a programmed cell death process?PROTOPLASMA,2011,卷: 248 期: 4 页: 683-694
[27]刘文哲.Ontogenesis of trichome-like cavities in Dictamnus dasycarpusFLORA,2012,卷: 207 期: 1 页: 63-73
[28]刘文哲.Programmed cell death during aerenchyma formation in Typha angustifolia leavesAQUATIC BOTANY,2014,卷: 113 页: 8-18
[29]刘文哲.Cytochemical localization of H2O2 in pigment glands of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.)JOURNAL OF INTEGRATIVE AGRICULTURE,2016,卷: 15 期: 7 页: 1490-1498
[30]刘文哲.Genetic diversity of SSR markers in wild populations of Tapiscia sinensis, an endangered tree speciesBIOCHEMICAL SYSTEMATICS AND ECOLOGY,2016,卷: 69 页: 1-5
[31]刘文哲.Effects of experimental defoliation on resource allocation using integrated physiological units in the andromonoecious Camptotheca acuminataSouth African Journal of Botany,2016,104: 47-54
[32]刘文哲.The complete chloroplast genome of Sinojackia xylocarpa (Ericales: Styracaceae), an endangered plant species endemic to ChinaCONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES,2018,卷: 10 期: 1 页: 51-54
[33]赵鹏.智能手机植物识别App在植物学教学中的应用高校生物学教学研究(电子版),2018,页码:47-51 页数:5
[34]杨科武.Carbohydrate metabolism and gene regulation during anther development in an androdioecious tree, Tapiscia sinensisANNALS OF BOTANY,2017,卷: 120 期: 6 页: 967-977
[35]苏慧.Fimbrins 4 and 5 Act Synergistically During Polarized Pollen Tube Growth to Ensure Fertility in ArabidopsisPLANT AND CELL PHYSIOLOGY,2017,卷: 58 期: 11 页: 2006-2016
[36]赵鹏.Population genetics, phylogenomics and hybrid speciation of Juglans in China determined from whole chloroplast genomes, transcriptomes, and genotyping-by-sequencing (GBS)MOLECULAR PHYLOGENETICS AND EVOLUTION,2018,卷: 126 页: 250-265
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