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    • 副教授 硕士生导师
    • 教师拼音名称:zhangweiguo
    • 学历:博士研究生毕业
    • 性别:男
    • 学位:博士







    电子邮箱 : wgzhang@nwu.edu.cn

    通信地址: 西北大学生命科学学院,西安市太白北路 229 号,邮编 710069

    研究方向: 植物先天免疫,植物与微生物(病原,益生)相互作用,植物抗性分子机理



    2014.11 - 2018.12,瑞士苏黎世联邦理工学院,微生物系,博士后,合作导师:Julia Vorholt教授(德国科学院院士)

    2013.07 - 2014.10,美国加州大学戴维斯分校,植物病理系,博士后,合作导师:Pamela Ronald教授 (美国科学院院士)

    2009.06 - 2013.06,德国图宾根大学,植物分子生物学中心,博士 (Summa cum laude -最优等博士毕业),导师:Thorsten Nürnberger教授 和 Andrea Gust博士

    2006.09 - 2009.05,清华大学,博士,导师:谢道昕教授(中国科学院院士)

    2004.07 - 2006.08,北京生命科学研究所,研究助理,导师:周俭民研究员


    国家自然科学基金面上项目:核心叶际共生微生物鞘胺醇单胞菌介导的植物抗病分子机理研究 (2019-2022),主持。




    • Weiguo Zhang*, Malou Fraiture*, Dagmar Kolb, Birgit Löffelhardt, Yoshitake Desaki, Freddy Boutrot, Mahmut Tör, Cyril Zipfel, Andrea A. Gust, Frédéric Brunner (2013). Arabidopsis RECEPTOR-LIKE PROTEIN30 and Receptor-Like Kinase SUPPRESSOR OF BIR1- 1/EVERSHED Mediate Innate Immunity to Necrotrophic Fungi. The Plant Cell, 25: 4227- 4241.

    • Furong Liu*, Weiguo Zhang*(共同第一作者), Benjamin Schwessinger, Tong Wei, Deling Ruan and Pamela Ronald. The Rice Xa3 Gene Confers Resistance to Xanthomonas oryzae pv. oryzae in the Model Rice Kitaake Genetic Background. Front Plant Sci. 2020;11:49.

    • Rory N. Pruitt*, Anna Joe*, Weiguo Zhang*(共同第一作者), Wei Feng, Valley Stewart, José R. Dinneny, Pamela C. Ronald (2017) A microbially derived tyrosine sulfated peptide mimics a plant peptide hormone. New phytologist, 215: 725-736.

    • Rory N. Pruitt, Benjamin Schwessinger, Anna Joe, Nicholas Thomas, Furong Liu, Markus Albert, Michelle R. Robinson, Leanne Jade G. Chan, Dee Dee Luu, Huamin Chen, Ofir Bahar, Arsalan Daudi, David De Vleesschauwer, Daniel Caddell, Weiguo Zhang, Xiuxiang Zhao, Xiang Li, Joshua L. Heazlewood, Deling Ruan, Dipali Majumder, Mawsheng Chern, Hubert Kalbacher, Samriti Midha, Prabhu B. Patil, Ramesh V. Sonti, Christopher J. Petzold, Chang C. Liu, Jennifer S. Brodbelt, Georg Felix, Pamela C. Ronald (2015). The rice immune receptor XA21 recognizes a tyrosine-sulfated protein from a Gram-negative bacterium. Science Advances Vol 1, No. 6.

    • Jianbing Yan, Chi Zhang, Min Gu, Zhiyan Bai, Weiguo Zhang, Taincong Qi, Zhiwei Chen, Wen Peng, Haibin Luo, Fajun Nan, Zhao Wang, Daoxin Xie (2009). The Arabidopsis CORONATINE INSENSITIVE 1 protein is a jasmonate receptor. The Plant Cell, 21: 2220– 2236.

    • Xinyan Li, Huiqiong Lin, Weiguo Zhang, Yan Zou, Jie Zhang, Xiaoyan Tang, Jian-Min Zhou (2005). Flagellin induces innate immunity in nonhost interactions that is suppressed by Pseudomonas syringae effectors. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 102: 12990-12995.


    • Andrea A. Gust, Frédéric Brunner, Malou Fraiture, Weiguo Zhang (第一完成人). Plants having increased resistance to pathogens and method for producing said plants (2016, #20160122779, 德国)

    • Frédéric Brunner, Andrea A. Gust, Weiguo Zhang (第一完成人), Malou Fraiture. Novel immunogenic fungal extract and pattern recognition receptor in plants (2015, #20150223471,德国)

    • Pamela C. Ronald, Benjamin Schwessinger, Rory N. Pruitt, Anna Joe, Weiguo Zhang (第四完成人). Engineering pathogen resistance in plants (2016, US2015/036439, 美国)

    • Pamela C. Ronald, Weiguo Zhang (第一完成人), Rory N. Pruitt, Anna Joe. Root Growth Promotion by a Bacterial Sulfated Peptide (2016, pending, 美国)


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