11. Shisheng Sun, Bai Zhang, Paul Aiyetan, Jian-Ying Zhou, Punit Shah, Weiming Yang, Douglas A Levine, Zhen Zhang, Daniel W Chan, Hui Zhang*. Analysis of N-glycoproteins using Genomic N-glycosite Prediction. Journal of proteome research. 2013, 12 (12): 5609-5615.
关键字:glycosylation, prediction, genome-wide, SILAC, accurate mass matching, ovarian cancer, mass spectrometry
摘要:Protein glycosylation has long been recognized as one of the most common post-translational modifications. Most membrane proteins and extracellular proteins are N-linked glycosylated, and they account for the majority of current clinical diagnostic markers or therapeutic targets. Quantitative proteomic analysis of detectable N-linked glycoproteins from cells or tissues using mass spectrometry has the potential to provide biological basis for disease development and identify disease associated glycoproteins. However, the information of low abundance but important peptides is lost due to the lack of MS/MS fragmentation or low quality of MS/MS spectra for low abundance peptides. Here, we show the feasibility of formerly N-glycopeptide identification and quantification at MS1 level using genomic N-glycosite prediction (GenoGlyco) coupled with stable isotopic labeling and accurate mass matching. The GenoGlyco Analyzer software uses accurate precursor masses of detected N-deglycopeptide peaks to match them to N-linked deglycopeptides that are predicted from genes expressed in the cells. This method results in more robust glycopeptide identification compared to MS/MS-based identification. Our results showed that over three times the quantity of N-deglycopeptide assignments from the same mass spectrometry data could be produced in ovarian cancer cell lines compared to a MS/MS fragmentation method. Furthermore, the method was also applied to N-deglycopeptide analysis of ovarian tumors using the identified deglycopeptides from the two ovarian cell lines as heavy standards. We show that the described method has a great potential in the analysis of detectable N-glycoproteins from cells and tissues.
上一条:12. Weiming Yang, Jian-Ying Zhou, Li Chen, Minghui Ao, Shisheng Sun, Paul Aiyetan, Antoine Simmons, Hui Zhang, Jay Brooks Jackson*. Glycoproteomic analysis identifies human glycoproteins secreted from HIV latently infected T cells and reveals their presence in HIV+ plasma. Clinical Proteomics. 2014, 11 (1): 9.
下一条:10. Punit Shah, Shuang Yang, Shisheng Sun, Paul Aiyetan, Kevin J Yarema, Hui Zhang*. Mass spectrometric analysis of sialylated glycans with use of solid-phase labeling of sialic acids. Analytical Chemistry. 2013, 85 (7): 3606-361.3