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Shisheng Sun

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  
Supervisor of Master's Candidates  

Paper Publications

62. Zexuan Chen, Jiechen Shen, Wenbo Dong, Pengfei Li, Miaomiao Xin, Didi Liu, Li Jia, Bojing Zhu, Wenzhe Li, Shisheng Sun*. Recognition of core-fucosylated glycopeptides based on the Y1+Fuc/Y1 ratio in low-energy HCD spectra. Analytical Chemistry. 2022, 2022, 94 (50): 17349–17353.


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Pre One:Bojing Zhu, Zexuan Chen, Jiechen Shen, Yintai Xu, Rongxia Lan, Shisheng Sun*. Structural- and Site-Specific N-Glycosylation Characterization of COVID-19 Virus Spike with StrucGP. Analytical Chemistry. 2022,

Next One:61. Miaomiao Xin#, Shanshan You#, Yintai Xu#, Wenhao Shi, Bojing Zhu, Jiechen Shen, Jingyu Wu, Cheng Li, Zexuan Chen, Yuanjie Su, Juanzi Shi*, Shisheng Sun*. Precision glycoproteomics reveals distinctive N-glycosylation in human spermatozoa. Molecular & Cellular Proteomics. 2022, 21 (4): 100214.