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Pei Zhang

Associate professor

Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates

Supervisor of Master's Candidates

Date of Birth:1984-05-04


Date of Employment:2011-09-01


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Business Address:生科西楼410


Contact Information:peizhang@nwu.edu.cn

Degree:Doctoral degree


Alma Mater:浙江大学


Academic Honor:

Honors and Titles:


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2017-2018,校创,探究MHC II类基因对秦岭川金丝猴配偶选择的影响,宋春梅











2013-2015,教育部博士点新教师类基金,MHC II类B基因对秦岭川金丝猴 (Rhinopithecus roxellana) 交配策略的影响,20126101120020,主持

2014-2016,陕西省自然科学基础研究计划项目,秦岭川金丝猴MHC II类基因的分离,2014JM3072,主持


2011-2013,西北大学科研启动基金,秦岭金丝猴 (Rhinopithecus roxellana) MHCII类DRB序列的分离,主持






Yan JB, Zhang BY, Dunn DW, Li BG*, Zhang P* (2024) Mate choice and the major histocompatibility complex: a review. Biological Journal of the Linnean Society, blae 100. https://doi.org/10.1093/biolinnean/blae100

Pan H, Zhang H, Youlatos D, Wang J, He G, Guo ST, Huang K, Hou R, Pan RL, Fang G, Li YL, Zhang P*, Li BG* (2024) Evolutionary insights from dental diversity in Afro-Asian primates. Diversity, 16, 565.

Yan JB, Song CM, Liang JQ, La YN, Lai JD, Pan RL, Huang ZP, Li BG*, Zhang P* (2024) Moderate Genetic Diversity of MHC Genes in an Isolated Small Population of Black-and-White Snub-Nosed Monkeys (Rhinopithecus bieti). Animals, 14, 2276.

Zhang P#*, Zhang BY#, Dunn DW, Song XY, Huang K, Dong SX, Niu F, Ying MJ, Zhang YY, Shang YX, Pan RL, Li BG* (2023) Social and paternal female choice for male MHC genes in golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Molecular Ecology, 32, 3239–3256. https://doi.org/10.1111/ mec.16932

Dong SX, Zhang BY, Huang K, Ying MJ, Yan JB, Niu F, Hu HY, Dunn DW, Ren Y, Li BG*,  Zhang P* (2023) Balancing selection shapes population differentiation of MHC genes in wild golden snub-nosed monkeys, Current Zoology, zoad043, https://doi.org/10.1093/cz/zoad043

Li W, Dong SX, Niu F, Li NL, Su ZY, Wang CL, Huang K, Zhang H, Hou R, Wu T, Zhao HT, Wang Y, Wang XW, Pan RL*,  Zhang P*, Li BG* (2023) Infanticide in golden snub-nosed monkeys with multilevel society. Current Zoology, zoad007, https://doi.org/10.1093/cz/zoad007

Li BG*, Zhang H, Huang K, He G, Guo ST, Hou R, Zhang P, Wang HT, Pan H, Fu HG, Wu XY, Jiang KX, Pan RL* (2022) Regional fauna-flora biodiversity and conservation strategy in China. iScience, 104897. doi: 10.1016/j.isci.

Zhang H, Lu JQ, Tang SY, Huang ZP, Cui LW, Lan DY, Wang HT, Hou R, Xiao W, Guo ST, He G, Huang K, Zhang P, Pan H, Oxnard C, Pan RL, Li BG (2022) Southwest China, the last refuge of continental primates in East Asia. Biological Conservation, 273:109681. doi:10.1016/j.biocon.2022.109681

Yang X, Berman CM, Hu HY, Hou R, Huang K, Wang XW, Zhao HT, Wang CL, Li BG*, Zhang P* (2020) Female preferences for male golden snub-nosed monkeys vary with male age and social context. Current Zoology, 1-10, doi:10.1093/cz/zoab044.

Huang K#, Zhang H#, Wang CL, Hou R,Zhang P, He G, Guo ST, Tang SY, Li BG* (2021) Evolutionarily and contemporarily affected mammals in China and a vary forward. Conservation Biology, Accepted.

Zhang BY, Hu HY, Song CM, Huang K, Dunn DW, Yang X, Wang XW, Zhao HT, Wang CL, Zhang P* and Li BG* (2020) MHC-Based Mate Choice in Wild Golden Snub-Nosed Monkeys. Frontiers in Genetics, 11, 609414.

Zhang P#, Huang K#, Zhang BY, Dunn DW, Chen D, Li F, Qi XG, Guo ST, Li BG* (2018) High polymorphism in MHC-DRB genes in golden snub-nosed monkeys reveals balancing selection in small, isolated populations. BMC Evolutionary Biology, 18, 29.

Huang K#, Zhang P#, Dunn DW, Wang TC, Mi R, Li BG* (2019) Assigning alleles to different loci in amplifications of duplicated loci. Molecular Ecology Resources, 19, 1240-1253.

Zhang P, Song X, Dunn DW, Huang K, Pan RL, Chen D, Guo ST, Qi XG, He G, Li BG* (2016) Diversity at two genetic loci associated with the major histocompatibility complex in the golden snub-nosed monkey (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Biochemical Systematics & Ecology, 68, 243-249.

Song XY#, Zhang P#, Huang K, Chen D, Guo ST, Qi XG, He G, Pan RL, Li BG* (2016) The influence of positive selection and trans-species evolution on DPB diversity in the golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). Primates, 57, 489-499.

Zhang P, Kuang YY, Wu HL, Li L, Ge YF, Wan QH, Fang SG* (2012) The Père David's deer MHC class I genes showed unexpected diversity patterns, with monomorphic classical genes but polymorphic nonclasscial genes and pseudogenes. Journal of Experimental Zoology Part B-Molecular and Developmental Evolution, 318, 294-307.

Huang K#, Zhang H#, Wang CL, Hou R, Zhang P, He G, Guo ST, Tang SY, Li BG* (2021) Evolutionarily and contemporarily affected mammals in China and a way forward. Conservation Biology, Accepted.

Huang K, Li YL, Dunn DW,  Zhang P, Sun HJ, Li BG* (2020) A generalized framework for AMOVA with multiple hierarchies and ploidies. Integrative Zoology, 16, 33-52.

Liu X, Wei H, Yang J, Li JJ, Zhang P, Li YL, Hou R, Hua JL, Yan XR*, Li BG* (2020) Effect of bFGF on fibroblasts derived from the golden snub-nosed monkey. Primates, doi:10.1007/s10329-020-00875-6.

Huang K, Dunn DW, Li ZH, Zhang P, Dai Y, Li BG* (2019) Inference of individual ploidy level using codominant markers. Molecular Ecology Resources, 19, 1218-1229.

Huang K, Wang TC, Dunn DW, Zhang P, Cao XX, Liu RC, Li BG* (2019) Genotypic frequencies at equilibrium for polysomic inheritance under double-reduction. G3: Genes, Genomes, Genetics, 9, 1693-1706.

Li BG*, He G, Guo ST, Hou R, Huang K, Zhang P, Zhang H, Pan RL*, Chapman CA (2019) Macaques in China: Evolutionary dispersion and subsequent development. American Journal of Primatology, 82, e23142.

Huang K, Ritland K, Guo ST, Dunn DW, Chen D, Ren Y, Qi XG, Zhang P, He G, Li BG* (2015) Estimating pairwise relatedness between individuals with different levels of ploidy. Molecular Ecology Resources, 15, 772-784.

Huang K#, Guo ST#, Shattuck MR, Chen ST, Qi XG, Zhang P, Li BG* (2015) A maximum-likelihood estimation of pairwise relatedness for autopolyploids. Heredity, 114, 133-142.

Qi XG*, Garber PA, Ji WH, Huang ZP, Huang K, Guo ST, Wang XW, He G, Zhang P, Li BG* (2014) Satellite telemetry and social modeling offer new insights into the origin of primate multilevel societies. Nature Communications, 5, 5296.

Wei W#, Qi XG#, Guo ST, Zhao DP, Zhang P, Huang K, Li BG* (2012) Market powers predict reciprocal grooming in golden snub-nosed monkeys (Rhinopithecus roxellana). PLoS ONE, 7, e36802.

Wan QH, Zhang P, Ni XW, Wu HL, Chen YY, Kuang YY, Ge YF, Fang SG* (2011) A novel HURRAH protocol reveals high numbers of monomorphic MHC class II loci and two asymmetric multi-locus haplotypes in the Père David's deer. PLoS ONE, 6, e14518.

He K, Zhang P, Fang SG, Wan QH* (2009) Development and characterization of 14 novel microsatellite markers from the golden pheasant (Chrysolophus pictus). Conservation Genetics, 10, 511-513.

吴林林, 郭松涛, 齐晓光, 张培, 李保国* (2013) 非人灵长类的亲缘选择. 兽类学报, 33(3):267-273.

张晶, 齐晓光*, 张堪, 张培, 郭松涛, 魏玮, 李保国* (2012) 非人灵长类位置行为的辐射适应与研究进展. 动物学研究, 33(5):511-522.








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