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Paper Publications
Lianxi Xing
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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates
Supervisor of Master's Candidates
Paper Publications
邢连喜.A family-based association study of PRSS12 and mental retardation in the Qinba mountain region of ChinaPSYCHIATRIC GENETICS,2013,卷: 23 期: 3 页: 137-137
邢连喜.The complete mitochondrial genome of the monophagous moth Protegira songi (Lepidoptera: Noctuidae)CONSERVATION GENETICS RESOURCES,2017,卷: 9 期: 2 页: 277-279
苏晓红.The transition path from female workers to neotenic reproductives in the termite Reticulitermes labralisEVOLUTION & DEVELOPMENT,2017,卷: 19 期: 4-5 页: 218-226
邢连喜.Complete mitochondrial genome of a parthenogenetic subterranean termite, Reticulitermes aculabialis Tsai et Hwang (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae)Mitochondrial DNA Part A,2016,27(5): 3133-3134,
邢连喜.The 'floppy-wing' morph of the subterranean termite Reticulitermes labralis has a secondary reproductive functionINSECTES SOCIAUX,2015,卷: 62 期: 2 页: 183-191
苏晓红.The Development of Adultoid Reproductives and Brachypterous Neotenic Reproductives From the Last Instar Nymphs in Reticulitermes labralis (Isoptera: Rhinotermitidae): A Comparative StudyJOURNAL OF INSECT SCIENCE,2015,卷: 15
苏晓红.Testicular development and modes of apoptosis during spermatogenesis in various castes of the termite Reticulitermes labralis (Isoptera:Rhinotermitidae)ARTHROPOD STRUCTURE & DEVELOPMENT,2015,卷: 44 期: 6 页: 630-638 子辑: B
邢连喜.Association of TUSC3 gene polymorphisms with non-syndromic mental retardation based on nuclear families in the Qinba mountain area of ChinaGENETICS AND MOLECULAR RESEARCH,2015,卷: 14 期: 2 页: 5022-5030
贾璞.HPLC法测定红曲灵芝丹参胶囊中4种成分的含量西北药学杂志,2017,页码:679-682 页数:4
苏晓红.Characterization of the transcriptomes and cuticular protein gene expression of alate adult, brachypterous neotenic and adultoid reproductives of Reticulitermes labralisSCIENTIFIC REPORTS,2016,卷: 6
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