Jinxi SongProfessor

Dr. Jinxi Song is a Professor of Ecohydrology and Environmental Sciences and Deputy Dean of the College of Urban and Environmental Sciences in Northwest University, China. Dr. Song has hosted and participated in more than 20 national and local scientific foundation projects, and has published more than 120 journal articles and one book entitled Ecological and Environmental Instream Flow Requirements for the Weihe River. Dr. Song’s research interests include instream flow requirements, healthy waterway and healthy catchments, surface water and groundwater interaction, environmental impact ... More>


Administrative Position:院长

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

Contact Information:No.1 Xuefu Street, Chang'an district, Xi'an, 710127



Discipline:Environmental Engineering
Physical Geography
Hydrology and Water Resources

Research Focus / Social Affiliations

[ 2017.5 - Now ] 陕西省环境科学学会  副理事长

[ 2018.5 - Now ] 中国地理学会水文地理专业委员会  副主任

[ 2019.1 - Now ] 《人民黄河》期刊编委

Educational Experience / Work Experience

2000.9 - 2004.4

 西安理工大学 |  With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study |  Doctoral Degree in Engineering 

1996.9 - 1998.7

 长春科技大学(今吉林大学) |  With Certificate of Graduation for Study as Master's Candidates |  Master's Degree in Engineering 

1992.9 - 1996.7

 长春地质学院(今吉林大学) |  University graduated |  Bachelor's Degree in Science 

2020.10 - Now

西北大学 | 城市与环境学院 | 院长 | 教授二级

2019.9 - Now

西北大学 | 秦岭研究院 | 常务副院长

2013.4 - Now

西北大学 | 城市与环境学院 | 副院长 | 教授

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