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- Jiao Xue*et al(唯一通讯).Peroxisomal biogenesis factor 11 as a novel target to trigger lipid biosynthesis and salt stress resistance in oleaginous Tetradesmus obliquus.Bioresource Technology. 2024, SCI一区TOP IF:11.40.2025 (421):132209
- Jiao Xue*et al.Heterologous glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase empowers the biofuel potential of Tetradesmus obliquus via generating lipogenic NADPH.Algal Research.2024,二区TOP,IF:5 (82):103607
- Jiao Xue*et al(唯一通讯).NADP+-dependent isocitrate dehydrogenase as a novel target for altering carbon flux to lipid accumulation and enhancing antioxidant capacity in Tetradesmus obliquus.Bioresource Technology. 2024, SCI一区TOP IF:11.40.2024,395 :130365
- Jiao Xue*et al(唯一通讯).Exogenous addition of putrescine enhanced lipid accumulation in Tetradesmus obliquus for increased biodiesel productivity.Renewable Energy.2023,一区,IF:8.63 (206):263-273
- ) 陕西基础科学(化学、生物学)研究院科学研究计划项目, NADPH合成酶调控斜 生栅藻光合固碳及脂质合成的分子机制研究,23JHQ066-2025/12/31
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