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Rapid and reliable screening of HLA-B*15:02 in four Chinese populations using a single-tube multiplex real-time PCR assay

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Impact Factor0.0

Affiliation of Author(s):生命科学学院


Place of Publication:国内外公开发行

Indexed by:Journal paper

Document Code:5b75928c600556e70160057f98e904c5

Page Number:18/9/:853-863

ISSN No.:1462-2416

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2017-06-08

First Author:王会娟

Huijuan Wang

Date of Birth:1982-11-04 Gender:Female Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study Alma Mater:西北大学 Degree:博士 Status:Employed School/Department:生命科学学院