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教师英文名称:Feng Wu










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江西省广丰人,西北大学化工学院教授、硕士生/博士生导师、博士后合作导师。唐仲英基金会仲英学者、全球华人化工学者研讨会“未来化工学者”、江苏省科技副总、桐江学者讲座教授、陕西省首批秦创原“科学家+工程师”队伍首席科学家、陕西石化青年科技突出贡献奖获得者担任喷动床国际会议国际学术委员会委员、中国颗粒学会青年理事、中国化工学会过程仿真模拟专委会青年委员、教育部本科教育教学评估专家、陕西省岩土力学与工程学会常务理事、陕北能源先进化工利用技术教育部工程中心副主任、福建省清洁能源应用技术协同创新中心学术委员会委员、西安塔力科技有限公司定漏溯源首席科学家、化学工程系主任、化工学院学术委员会及学位委员会委员、Science Journal of Chemistry》编委、《Chemical Science and Engineering》编委、《Energy Storage and  Saving》青年编委、EI源刊《化工进展》编委等;国家科技专家库评审专家、国家科学技术奖励评审专家、国家自然科学基金项目评议专家、中国科协项目评审专家等。

主持国家自然科学基金面上项目(4项)、陕西省秦创原“科学家+工程师”队伍建设项目、“仲英青年学者”人才项目、教育部产学研项目、教育部博士点基金、陕西省自然科学基金面上项目、中国博士后基金特别资助项目、中国博士后面上一等资助项目及校企、军民合作横向课题等30余项。参与完成“国家重点研发计划项目”、“新世纪优秀人才支持计划”、“国家自然科学基金面上项目”等项目;主持教学项目4项(省部级1项)第一或通讯作者发表SCI/EI收录论文100余篇,包括AIChE JournalChemical Engineering JournalChemical Engineering ScienceIndustrial & Engineering Chemistry ResearchEnergyFuelPhysics of FluidsPowder TechnologyParticuologyChemical Engineering Research and DesignInternational Journal of Heat and Mass TransferInternational Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer化工学报、化工进展及高校化学工程学报等化学工程/工程热物理主流期刊;第一作者出版学术专著2部(科学出版社);第一作者授权专利19项(转让2项),获得软件著作权1项。第一完成人获得中国化工学会科技进步奖二等奖1项、陕西石化科技奖一等奖2项、陕西省科学技术三等奖1、陕西高等学校科学技术二等奖2项、陕西省科技工作者创新创业大赛三等奖3项等。担任多个国家与省部级科研项目、科技奖励及人才项目评审专家;担任50余种SCI期刊论文审稿人或仲裁人;现为ACS会员、中国化工学会会员、中国制冷学会高级会员、中国颗粒学会会员。

1) 针对化工传热设备提出了多种新型高效传热强化元件及换热设备结构,优化化工系统的整体能耗及生产效率;2) 设计了涡流内构件、整体式多喷嘴结构及旋流喷嘴结构强化喷动床多相反应器内气固两相流动过程,提高了喷动床反应器的整体工作效率,并强化了其传热、传质过程与脱硫脱碳效率;3) 围绕天然气绿色安全储运与低碳高效利用综合体系,构建了测量物联网传输技术、先进的CFD模拟与人工智能快速逆向预测三位一体技术,融合于智能管道多参数风险评估数字孪生碳监测系统,检测技术能实时、连续、全天候检测阀门密封件等工业设备 HAPs VOCs 的泄露量,克服了 LDAR Smart LDAR 的局限性;4) 建立了液体硫磺冷却成型过程数理模型,揭示了液硫冷却成型机理与调控规律并指导工程应用,有效提升了硫磺颗粒的成型质量。




3、主持西北大学本科人才培养建设项目《化学工程专业主干课程群教学模式研究与建设》,50万, 2019.

4、主持西北大学本科人才培养建设项目之高水平教材建设项目《能源化工计算软件及应用》,5万, 2021.

5、主持西北大学研究生精品教材建设项目《计算机软件实践》,3万, 2022.


7、指导研究生、本科生参加陕西省、西北大学“挑战杯”竞赛6次,分别获得“优秀奖”2次,“三等奖”2次;指导本科生“互联网+”竞赛活动3次(一等奖、银奖和铜奖);指导国家级大学生创新创业训练项目(2项)、省级大学生创新创业训练项目(2项, 结题优秀)及校级大学生创新训练项目2项.



1、 第十七届全国大学生化工设计竞赛二等奖(指导教师, 2023)

2、 第十六届全国大学生化工设计竞赛一等奖(指导教师, 2022)

3、 第六届中国石油和化工教育教学优秀论文二等奖(第一作者, 2022)

4、吴峰 等,基于工程教育专业认证的化工系统课程群教学体系的构建,化工高等教育,38(1):38-41, 2021.

5、 吴峰 等,工程教育专业认证背景下化工传递过程课程教学改进探索,化工高等教育,38(2):58-62, 2021.

6、 吴峰 等,双碳背景新工科产学合作协同育人实践与思考,中国多媒体与网络教学学报,4:69-72, 2024.

7、 吴乐、吴峰、王玉琪、吴冬、郑岚. Aspen Plus模拟与化工专业实验有效融合教学实践及改进,西北大学学报(自然科学版),51(1):53-58, 2021.


1、吴峰 著, 喷动床反应器过程强化原理与技术科学出版社,ISBN 978-7-03-073950-6, 2023

2、 吴峰, 闫渊, 龚明, 肖航 著, 能源化工计算软件及应用, 科学出版社ISBN 978-7-03-071037-6, 2022


40、Linjie Zhang, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang, et al. Antiphase alternating-pulse fluidized bed for improving the fluidization quality: An Eulerian-Eulerian study. AIChE Journal,  e18754, 2025. (化工三大刊)

39、Lingjie Zhang, Huimin Yang, Jiao Jin, Shengxiao Wu, Feng Wu*. CFD study on gas-solid flow characteristics in CCSI system: A comprehensive analysis of particle residence and dispersion. Energy, 320, 135455, 2025.

38、Biao Sun, Xinxin Che, Feng Wu*, et al. The performance research of airflow multistage spouted bed by experimental and simulative methods. Powder Technology, 453, 120631, 2025. 

37、Qin Bai, Feng Wu*, Junhao Hao, Xiaolong Li, et al. An in-depth numerical simulation analysis of the hydrodynamic characteristics of internally-reinforced spouted beds. Particuology,  100, 1-13, 2025. 

36Biao Sun, Xinxin Che, Feng Wu*, Gang Wang.Numerical and experimental study on the particle erosion and gas-particle hydrodynamics in a co-directional swirling spouted bed. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 63: 16609-16621, 2024. (化工三大刊

35Wenzheng Jing, Min Xiang, Qiang Gao, Feng Wu*. Optimisation of the blow-off efficiency of kerosene adhering to the inner wall of chambers with complex structures. Physics of Fluids, 36: 125151, 2024. 

34Wenbin Li, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang. Numerical simulation of particle erosion coupled with flue gas desulphurization in the spouted bed. Chemical Engineering Journal,  487: 150522, 2024.

33Jiali Du, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang. Intensification of hydrodynamics and heat transfer characteristics of coal-char-gas flow in a high solids-flux downer with swirling blade nozzle. Energy, 294: 130945, 2024.

32Jiali Du, Lingjie Zhang, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang. CFD simulation of a novel downer with swirling blade nozzle: field synergy characteristics, heat transfer contribution and structure optimization analysis. Fuel, 375: 132549, 2024. 

31Xinxin Che, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang. Experiment, CFD simulation and field synergy characteristics analysis of hot-air drying process in a spouted bed. Powder Technology,  438: 119687, 2024. 

30Youzhi Yi, Xinxin Che, Feng Wu*, Zonglian Fan, et al. Effect of combining swirling devices on drying of wet particles in spouted beds: Experiment and simulation. Powder Technology, 444, 120013, 2024.

29Shuai Wang, Feng Wu*, Xudong Wang. Experimental and Kinetics Analysis on Biomass Chemical Looping Gasification Using Lean Iron Ore as Oxygen Carrier. Chemical Engineering Journal,  474: 145855, 2023.

28Xinxin Che, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang. Multiple field synergy mechanism of the desulfurization process in the intensified spouted bed. Chemical Engineering Journal,  467: 143521, 2023. 

27Xinxin Che, Feng Wu*, Wenzheng Jing.  et al. Numerical study of multi-jet structure impact on flue gas desulfurization process in 3D spouted beds. Chemical Engineering Journal,  457: 141259, 2023.

26Liuyun Xu, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang. DDPM simulation of the erosion of immersed tubes in a pulsating fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Science, 269: 118475, 2023. (化工三大刊)

25Jiali Du, Feng Wu*, Xiaoxun Ma. Junwu Wang. Effect of swirling spouting intensification structure on semi-dry desulfurization process in 3D spouted beds. Chemical Engineering Science,  269:118452, 2023. (化工三大刊) 

24Xuefeng Liu, Rong Guo, Feng Wu*,  et al. Effect of combining multi-jet component with axial swirl blade on evaporation in a spouted bed. Physics of Fluids, 35: 033308-033316, 2023. 

23Jiayi Guo, Hang Xiao, Feng Wu*Prediction of viscosity of kerosene-based nanographene fluids by molecular dynamics simulation analysisJournal of Molecular Liquids,  391, 123417, 2023. 

22Wenzheng Jing, Min Xiang, Yan Gao, Feng Wu*Experimental and numerical study on the process of removing kerosene residues in rocket engine engine chamber. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer,  149: 107126, 2023.

21Wenbin Li, Feng Wu*, Liuyun Xuet al. Numerical and experimental study on the particle erosion and gas-particle hydrodynamics in an integral multi-jet swirling spout-fluidized bed. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,  61: 90-101, 2023.

20Jiali Du, Feng Wu*, Xiaoxun Ma. Progress in research of process intensification of spouted bed: A comprehensive review. Chinese Journal of Chemical Engineering,  62, 238-260, 2023. 

19Rong Guo, Feng Wu*, Xinxin Che, et al. Effect of the novel combined internal devices on gas−solid flow behavior in spouted beds, Chemical Engineering Research and Design, 191: 493-506, 2023. 

18Xinxin Che, Feng Wu*, et al. Numerical study on the effect of longitudinal vortex generator on semi-dry desulfurization process in 3D spouted beds. Advanced Powder Technology34: 103961, 2023. 

17Liuyun Xu, Feng Wu*, Haibo Ren. et al. Experimental and numerical investigation on erosion of circular and elliptical immersed tubes in fluidized bed.Powder Technology, 409: 117820, 2022. 

16Xinxin Che, Rong Gu, Feng Wu*, et al.Experiment and CFD study on the hydrodynamics in novel internal-intensified spouted beds. Powder Technology, 412: 118009, 2022. 

15Rong Guo, Jinhao Bai, Feng Wu*, Junwu Wang. et al. CFD–DEM simulation of wet granular-fluid flows and heat transfer in an integral multi-jet spout-fluidized bed. Powder Technology, 403:117384,2022. 

14、Xinxin Che, Feng Wu*, Xiaoxun Ma. Effect of adjusted mesoscale drag model on flue gas desulfurization in powder-particle spouted beds. Frontiers of Chemical Science and Engineering, 16(6): 909–920, 2022.

13Lijuan Zhang, Qiang Gao, Feng Wu*.et al. Numerical and experimental study on the suction process of residual kerosene of rocket engines. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 139: 106504, 2022. 

12Haojie Duan, Feng Wu*, Shengning Zhao.et al. Experimental investigation of swirl flow enhancement effect on particle drying process in a novel spouted bed. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60: 13562-13573, 2021.  (化工三大刊) 

11Jiali Du, Feng Wu*, Xiaoxun Ma.et al. Numerical study on the effect of three novel strengthening components on water evaporation in 3D spouted beds. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 60: 11317-11333, 2021. (化工三大刊) 

10Liuyun Xu, Feng Wu*, Yuan Yan, Xiaoxun Ma. et al. Numerical simulation of air-solid erosion in elbow with novel arc-shaped diversion erosion-inhibiting plate structure. Powder Technology, 393: 670-680, 2021. 

9Jiali Du, Kai Yue, Feng Wu*. et al. Numerical investigation on the water vaporization during semi dry flue gas desulfurization in a three-dimensional spouted bed. Powder Technology, 383:471-483, 2021.

8Feng Wu*, Chunling Yang, et al. Numerical and experimental study of integral multi-jet structure impact on gas-solid flow in a 3D spout-fluidized bed. Chemical Engineering Journal, 393: 124737, 2020. 

7Feng Wu*, Kai Yue, Weiwei Gao, et al. Numerical simulation of semi-dry flue gas desulfurization process in the powder-particle spouted bed. Advanced Powder Technology, 31(1): 323-331, 2020.

6Feng Wu*, Lingyi Shang, et al. Experimental investigation on hydrodynamic behavior in a spouted bed with longitudinal vortex generators. Advanced Powder Technology, 30(10): 2178-2187, 2019.

5Feng Wu*, Weiwei Gao, Jiejie Zhang, et al. Numerical analysis of gas-solid flow in a novel spouted bed structure under the longitudinal vortex effects. Chemical Engineering Journal, 334: 2105-2114, 2018.

4Feng Wu*, Xuan Zhang, Wenjing Zhou, et al. Numerical simulation and optimization of hydrodynamics in a novel integral multi-jet spout-fluidized bed. Powder Technology, 336: 112-121, 2018. 

3、 Feng Wu*, Jiejie Zhang, Xiaoxun Ma, et al. Numerical simulation of gas-solid flow in a novel spouted bed: Influence of row number of longitudinal vortex generators. Advanced Powder Technology, 29 (8): 1848-1858, 2018. 

2Feng Wu*, Gang Wang, Wenjing Zhou. Buoyancy induced convection in a porous cavity with sinusoidally and partially thermally active sidewalls under local thermal non-equilibrium condition. International Communications in Heat and Mass Transfer, 75: 100-114, 2016. 

1Feng Wu*, Wenjin Zhou, Xiaoxun Ma. Natural convection in a porous rectangular enclosure with sinusoidal temperature distributions on both side walls using a thermal non-equilibrium model.International Journal of Heat and Mass Transfer, 85: 756-771,2015.


14Feng Wu*. CFD Analysis of Semi-dry Flue Gas Desulfurization Process in the 3D Spouted Bed. 23rd Conference on Process Integration, Modelling and Optimisation for Energy Saving and Pollution Reduction,17-21, August, Xi'an, China, 2020. (Keynote lecture. 40 minutes)

13Feng Wu*. Numerical simulation of gas-solid two-phase flow in spouted bed under the swirling effect of gas flow. 10th Global Chinese Chemical Engineers Symposium (GCCES), 17-20, August, Niagara Falls, Ontario, Canada, 2018. (Young Scholars special talk)

12Feng Wu*.CFD simulation of the hydrodynamics in a novel spouted bed with swirling flow. FluidizationXVI, 26-31, May, Guilin, China, 2019. (Oral presentation)

11Feng Wu*.CFD-modeling of effects of longitudinal vortex on gas–solid flow in a novel spouted bed. Proceedings of the 12th International Green Energy Conference, July 31-August 3, Xi’an, China, 2017. (Oral presentation)

10Jiayi Guo, Feng Wu*. Prediction of coal-based-nanographene fluid viscosity by molecular dynamics simulation. 1st International Conference on Energy Storage and Saving, Oct. 20-23,  Xi’an,   China, 2022. (Hot presentation)


8吴峰.气固反应器过程强化.第二届低碳能源化工高端论坛,兰州,7.12-14, 2024.(特邀报告)

7吴峰.下行床煤热解过程强化机理研究.第三届中国化工学会科技创新大会,西安,11.1-4, 2024.(邀请报告)

6、吴峰.多相反应器过程强化研究. 双碳发展论坛. 泉州,12.13-15, 2024.(主题报告)

5吴峰.流态化反应器过程强化与颗粒冲蚀研究.2022年中国工程热物理学会多相流年会,珠海,2.15-18, 2023.(特邀报告)



2吴峰. 粉-粒喷动床内脱硫过程模拟及过程强化.2021中国化工学会年会,沈阳,9.24-26, 2021.(主题报告)

1吴峰. 喷动床内气固多相流动过程强化第二届全国化工过程强化会议, 南京12.05-08,  2020. (主题报告)




13、陕西石化科技奖一等奖(第一完成人, 陕西省化工学会,2024)


11、中国化工学会科技进步奖二等奖(第一完成人, 管道地灾风险预警与定漏朔源数字孪生系统,2022)









2、陕西省科学技术奖三等奖 (绿色化工过程强化与分离技术的研究与应用,陕西省科技厅,2018)


  • 教育经历Education Background
  • 工作经历Work Experience
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