Chong Liu   Associate professor

西北大学理论物理团队成员,副教授、博导,入选陕西省“特支”计划、陕西省青年科技新星。主要关注非线性可积系统理论及实验。以第一/通讯作者在学术刊物(Phys.Rev.Lett.,Phys.Rev.A/E, Chaos, Physica D等)上发表论文三十余篇。主要学术贡献:建立了严格描述(两类)调制不稳定性动力学的一般理论框架。Detials

Research Focus Current position: Home > Research Focus

Nonlinear theory of modulation instability and FPU recurrence

Modulation instability (MI) and Fermi-Pasta-Ulam (FPU) recurrence are central objects in physics. They can be considered as the origin of the nonlinear science. Rigorous analysis on full nonlinear evolution is only allowed for integrable system.  It is presently known as a family of exact periodic solutions.  A general result involving asymmetric dynamics in both time and frequency domains is given recently [PRL 2021,127.094102].