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(1) 2009.9–2015.12, 西北农林科技大学, 微生物学, 博士(硕博连读), 导师: 韦革宏 教授
(2) 2005.8–2009.7, 西北农林科技大学, 生物工程, 学士
(1) 2022.7-至今, 西北大学, 生命科学学院, 讲师
(2) 2018.9-2022.7, 西北大学, 博士后, 合作导师: 岳明 教授
(3) 2016.8-2018.8, 第四军医大学, 第一附属医院, 助理研究员
(1)国家自然科学基金面上项目(32471717)光照与氮素交互作用下豆科植物白刺花根际细菌依赖的氮获取策略权衡机制 2025.01-2028.12 主持
(2)陕西省科技厅一般项目-青年项目(2024JC-YBQN-0210)不同光生境下白刺花-根瘤菌的共生选择策略 2024.01-2025.12 在研 主持
(3)国家自然科学基金青年科学基金项目(31901100)狼牙刺-根瘤菌共生固氮体系的光响应机制及其对植物资源分配策略的影响 2020.01-2022.12 结题 主持
(4)中国博士后科学基金面上项目(2019M653889XB)光对狼牙刺根瘤菌多样性及其根际微生物群落构建的影响 2019.07-2022.05 结题 主持
(5)陕西省教育厅专项科研计划项目(19JK0838)秦岭地区林下生长的狼牙刺根瘤菌多样性资源调查 2020.01-2022.12 结题 主持
1、Cao, Y., Chai, Y., Jiao, S., Li, X., Wang, X., Zhang, Y., Yue, M., 2022. Bacterial and fungal community assembly in relation to soil nutrients and plant growth across different ecoregions of shrubland in Shaanxi, northwestern China. Applied Soil Ecology 173, 104385.(中科院2区)
2、Cao, Y., Tie, D., Zhao, J.L., Wang, X.B., Yi, J.J., Chai, Y.F., Wang, K.F., Wang, E.T., Yue, M., 2021. Diversity and distribution of Sophora davidii rhizobia in habitats with different irradiances and soil traits in Loess Plateau area of China. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 44, 126224. (中科院2区)
3、Cao, Y., Wang, E., Tong, W., Qiao, Y., Zhao, L., Chen, W., Wei, G., 2017. Population structure of Rhizobium etli-like strains nodulated with Phaseolus vulgaris in two ecoregions of China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 112, 14-23. (中科院1区)
4、Cao, Y., Wang, E.T., Zhao, L., Chen, W.M., Wei, G.H., 2014. Diversity and distribution of rhizobia nodulated with Phaseolus vulgaris in two ecoregions of China. Soil Biology and Biochemistry 78, 128-137. (中科院1区)
5、Wang, L.#, Cao, Y.#, Wang, E.T., Qiao, Y.J., Jiao, S., Liu, Z.S., Zhao, L., Wei, G.H., 2016. Biodiversity and biogeography of rhizobia associated with common bean (Phaseolus vulgaris L.) in Shaanxi Province. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 39, 211-219. (共同一作)(中科院2区)
6、 曹莹,马宁,常佳丽等. 西北部分矿区豆科植物根瘤菌重金属抗性及16S rDNA RFLP分析. 农业环境科学学报,2010,29(6):1156-1163. (一级期刊)合作发表论文:
1、Zhao, J., Zhang, Y., Xu, J., Chai, Y., Liu, P., Cao, Y., Li, C., Yue, M., 2021. Strong environmental filtering based on hydraulic traits occur in the lower water availability temperate forest community. Frontiers in plant science, 3059
2、Tong, W., Li, X., Wang, E., Cao, Y., Chen, W., Tao, S., Wei, G., 2020. Genomic insight into the origins and evolution of symbiosis genes in Phaseolus vulgaris microsymbionts. BMC Genomics 21, 1-12.
3、Chai, Y., Cao, Y., Yue, M., Tian, T., Yin, Q., Dang, H., Quan, J., Zhang, R., Wang, M., 2019. Soil abiotic properties and plant functional traits mediate associations between soil microbial and plant communities during a secondary forest succession on the Loess Plateau. Frontiers in Microbiology 10, 895.
4、Sun, L., Ma, L., Zhang, H., Cao, Y., Wang, C., Hou, N., Huang, N., von Deneen, K.M., Zhao, C., Shi, Y., 2019. Fto deficiency reduces anxiety-and depression-like behaviors in mice via alterations in gut microbiota. Theranostics 9, 721.
5、Sun, L., Zhang, H., Cao, Y., Wang, C., Zhao, C., Wang, H., Cui, G., Wang, M., Pan, Y., Shi, Y., 2019. Fluoxetine ameliorates dysbiosis in a depression model induced by chronic unpredicted mild stress in mice. International Journal of Medical Sciences 16, 1260.
6、Tong, W., Li, X., Huo, Y., Zhang, L., Cao, Y., Wang, E., Chen, W., Tao, S., Wei, G., 2018. Genomic insight into the taxonomy of Rhizobium genospecies that nodulate Phaseolus vulgaris. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 41, 300-310.
7、Zhao, L., Wang, X., Huo, H., Yuan, G., Sun, Y., Zhang, D., Cao, Y., Xu, L., Wei, G., 2016. Phylogenetic diversity of Ammopiptanthus rhizobia and distribution of rhizobia associated with Ammopiptanthus mongolicus in diverse regions of Northwest China. Microbial Ecology 72, 231-239.
8、Zhao, L., Deng, Z., Yang, W., Cao, Y., Wang, E., Wei, G., 2010. Diverse rhizobia associated with Sophora alopecuroides grown in different regions of Loess Plateau in China. Systematic and Applied Microbiology 33, 468-477.