

  • 团队名称:西北大学软物质物理实验室(SMPL)
  • 团队介绍:      西北大学物理学院软物质物理实验室(SMPL)创建于2009年,主要成员包括经光银教授、刘亚楠教授、罗昊副教授、张鑫副教授、冯伟工程师等主要教职人员。我们实验室聚焦软物质与生物物理的基本规律、新奇现象、物理机理研究,以及在群体智能与医学健康等方面的应用。主要关注活性物质物理与远离平衡态物理新兴前沿交叉研究,以活性物质、微生物、细胞为模型系统,以显微光学影像与图形识别分析为基础平台,自主研发高分辨微游泳体追踪平台、数字化微流控芯片技术,探究生命物质自主运动的物理规律、智能软物质的演化算法与实验操控,以物理视角为出发点,结合凝聚态物理、统计物理、流体力学、数值计算与数学建模方法,理解主动物质在生命过程中由简单到复杂,从单个到群体转变中,及生命形态与阶段由低级向高级发展过程中的物理学原理与定律,并能为医学健康中相关实际问题提供物理依据。
          团队近年来在自驱动粒子运动、群体行为、柔性链与经典流场和活性湍流相互作用,及其在生物医学上的应用等做出了重要的学术贡献,相关成果发表在Nature Physics,Science Advances,PNAS,Physical Review Fluids, Angew. Chem. Int. Ed.,ACS Nano等主流期刊上,累计70余篇高水平学术论文,授权专利4件,承担国家自然科学基金项目、陕西省自然科学杰出青年基金、陕西省重点项目等10余项。
  • 团队成员介绍:


    研究兴趣:Flow-induced swimming order in collective bacterial crowd

    Active matter systems are made up of units that propel themselves by consume bio or chemical energy. Physicists group flocks of birds, molecular motors and layers of vibrating grains together in this category because they all extract energy from their surroundings at a single particle level and transform it into mechanical work. By studying the behavior that emerge, our understanding of these systems can be enhanced and new frameworks for investigating the statistical physics of out-of-equilibrium systems can be built.

    However, how does the formation of the collective motion with the order of large length scale than the size of the individual, is fundamental important but far from well understood. Inspired from the magnetic polarization, we ask the question here, how the bacteria are aligned due to the shear stress in Poiseille flow. The order parameter analogy to the magnetization $M$, can be defined in the active system, and the similar hysteresis curve ($M~\dot{\gamma}$) can be measured experimentally. 

    For this purpose, we develop the microfluidic channels, and track the bacteria swimming responsing to the shear flow. Data analysis will be performed to define all the variables corresponding to the magetic polariation, such as, saturation magnetization$M_s$, permeability $\chi$, Coercivity$\gamma_c$. 

