
Associate professor


Date of Employment:2024-03-05


Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study


Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science


Discipline:Mineralogy, Petrology, and Ore Deposit


Current position: Home >Personal Profile

范晶晶,博士, 西北大学地质学系副教授



    国家自然科学基金青年基金项目,42202046,藏南冈底斯带厅宫成矿埃达克质斑岩钼-钛同位素组成及其对岩石成因和相关成矿过程的制约,2023-01-01 至 2024-12-31,20万元;

    中国博士后基金面上项目,2022M713162,青藏高原南部始新世同碰撞花岗岩硼同位素组成及其对岩石成因和早 俯冲印度物质再循环的制约,2022-07 至 2023-12,8万元;

    中国科学院特别研究助理项目,2021SSZJ-1,青藏高原南部中新生代含矿斑岩的Mo-Ti同位素地球化学与成因、 矿意义,2021-10 至 2023-10,20万元;

    广东省基础与应用基础研究基金委员会面上项目,西藏冈底斯成矿带西段同碰撞花岗岩钼同位素组成:对岩浆演化和成矿潜力的指示,2023-01-01 至 2025-12-31,10 万元。


1. Fan, J.J., Zhang, X.Z., Ma L., Wang Q., et al., 2024. Formation of Eocene–Miocene felsic magmatic rocks along N–S-trending Yardoi Kongbugang mountain ranges in the eastern Himalaya: New insights into surface uplift and the initiation of E–W extension in southern Tibet. GSA Bulletin, 136: 433-446.

2. Fan, J.J., Wang Q., Wei, G.J., Li, J., Ma L., Zhang, X.Z., et al., 2023. Boron and molybdenum isotope evidence for sourcecontrolled compositional diversity of Cenozoic granites in the eastern Tethyan Himalaya. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 24, e2022GC010629.

3. Fan, J.J., Wang, Q., Ma, L., Li, J., Zhang, X.Z., Zhang, L. and Wang, Z.L., 2022. Extreme Mo isotope variations recorded in high-SiOgranites: Insights into magmatic differentiation and melt–fluid interaction. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 334, 241–258.

4. Fan, J.J., Wang, Q., Li, J., Wei, G.J., et al., 2021. Boron and molybdenum isotopic fractionation during crustal anatexis: Constraints from the Conadong leucogranites in the Himalayan Block, South Tibet. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 297, 120–142.

5. Fan, J.J., Wang, Q., Li, J., Wei, G.J., Wyman, D., et al., 2020. Molybdenum and boron isotopic compositions of porphyry Cu mineralization‐related adakitic rocks in central‐eastern China: New insights into their petrogenesis and crust‐mantle interaction. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 125, e2020JB020474.

6. Fan, J.J., Li, J., Wang, Q., Zhang, L., Zhang, J., Zeng, X.L., Ma, L., Wang, Z.L., 2020. High-precision molybdenum isotope analysis of low-Mo igneous rock samples by MC–ICP–MS. Chemical Geology, 545, 119648.

7. Fan J.J., Tang G.J., Wei G.J., Wang H., Xu Y.G., Wang Q., Zhou J.S., Zhang Z.Y., Huang T.Y., Wang Z.L., 2020. Lithium isotope fractionation during fluid exsolution: implications for Li mineralization of the Bailongshan pegmatites in the West Kunlun, NW Tibet. Lithos, 352–352, 105236.


2021 年, 中国科学院院长优秀奖

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