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Liuyi Dang

Supervisor of Master's Candidates


School/Department:School of Life Sciences

Education Level:With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study


Contact Information:dang@nwu.edu.cn

Degree:Doctoral Degree in Science


Alma Mater:Ghent University (Belgium)

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Current position: Home >> Paper Publications
Site-specific glycoproteomic analysis revealing increased core-fucosylation on FOLR1 enhances folate uptake capacity of HCC cells to promote EMT


Impact Factor28.547

Journal:Nature Methods

Abstract:Precision mapping of glycans at structural and site-specific level is still one of the most challenging tasks in the glycobiology field. Here, we describe a modularization strategy for de novo interpretation of N-glycan structures on intact glycopeptides using tandem mass spectrometry. An algorithm named StrucGP is also developed to automate the interpretation process for large-scale analysis. By dividing an N-glycan into three modules and identifying each module using distinct patterns of Y ions or a combination of distinguishable B/Y ions, the method enables determination of detailed glycan structures on thousands of glycosites in mouse brain, which comprise four types of core structure and 17 branch structures with three glycan subtypes. Owing to the database-independent glycan mapping strategy, StrucGP also facilitates the identification of rare/new glycan structures. The approach will be greatly beneficial for in-depth structural and functional study of glycoproteins in the biomedical research.

Indexed by:Journal paper

Translation or Not:no

Included Journals:SCI

First Author:Jiechen Shen

First Author:Li Jia

First Author:Liuyi Dang

First Author:Yuanjie Shu

Correspondence Author:Shisheng Sun