- Affilication of Author(s):西北大学
- Teaching and Research Group:光电信息科学系
- Patent Applicant:西北大学
- Disigner of the Invention:乔学光; 苏丹; 陈凤仪; 荣强周
- Type of Patent:Invent
- State of Patent:授权
- Application Number:CN201811358403.8
- Authorization number:CN109470353B
- Number of Inventors:4
- Service Invention or Not:no
- Application Date:2018-12-15
- Publication Date:2019-03-15
- Authorization Date:2020-12-27
- First Author:Xueguang Qiao
- Patent Applicant:西北大学
- Disigner of the Invention:乔学光;
- Disigner of the Invention:苏丹;
- Disigner of the Invention:陈凤仪;
- Disigner of the Invention:Qiangzhou Rong
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