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Weibin Bi

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Paper Publications

Microwave-Assisted Synthesis and Spectral Properties of Some Benzoindohemicyanine and Benzoindodimethine Cyanine Dyes as well as the Interaction with Biomolecules


Impact Factor0.0

Journal:Chin. J. Org. Chem.


Page Number:567~573

Translation or Not:no

Date of Publication:2012-10-03

First Author:康 琼

Correspondence Author:王兰英

All the Authors:范芳丽

All the Authors:毕渭滨

All the Authors:黄 怡

All the Authors:付义乐

Next One:Photofragment Translational Spectroscopy of n-C3H7I anPhotofragment Translational Spectroscopy of n-C3H7I and i-C3H7I near 280 and 304 nmd i-C3H7I near 280 and 304 nm