Current position: Home >> Awards and Honours
Shisheng Sun

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Supervisor of Doctorate Candidates  

Awards and Honours

研究生一等奖学金 (2023年, 硕士生: 董文博 赵家瑜)


Title of Achievement:奖学金

Affiliation of Participants:西北大学

Granted by:西北大学

School Sign:西北大学

Type of Outcome:Thesis

Level of Award:University

Grade of Award:First prize

Date of Award:2023-10-10

Number of Participants:2

Pre One:西北大学生命科学与医学部“十佳研究生”(2023年, 硕士生董文博)

Next One:西北大学优秀毕业生(2023年,博士生申洁晨 + 硕士生陈泽轩)