Kefeng Wang

Doctoral Degree in Science

With Certificate of Graduation for Doctorate Study

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Soil temperature, microbial biomass and enzyme activity are the critical factors affecting soil respiration in different soil layers in Ziwuling Mountains, China

Release time:2024-01-05 Hits:

Impact Factor0.0
DOI number:10.3389/fmicb.2023.1105723
Journal:Frontiers in Microbiology
Key Words:climate change, carbon cycle, soil microbial activity, microbial decomposition model, soilrespiration (CO2)
Abstract:Soil microorganisms are critical biological indicators for evaluating soil health andplay a vital role in carbon (C)-climate feedback. In recent years, the accuracy ofmodels in terms of predicting soil C pools has been improved by considering theinvolvement of microbes in the decomposition process in ecosystem models, butthe parameter values of these models have been assumed by researchers withoutcombining observed data with the models and without calibrating the microbialdecomposition models. Here, we conducted an observational experiment from April2021 to July 2022 in the Ziwuling Mountains, Loess Plateau, China, to explore themain influencing factors of soil respiration (R S) and determine which parameterscan be  incorporated into microbial decomposition models. The results showedthat the R S rate is significantly correlated with soil temperature (TS) and moisture(MS), indicating that T S increases soil C loss. We  attributed the non-significantcorrelation between R S and soil microbial biomass carbon (MBC) to variations inmicrobial use efficiency, which mitigated ecosystem C loss by reducing the abilityof microorganisms to decompose organic resources at high temperatures. Thestructural equation modeling (SEM) results demonstrated that TS, microbial biomass,and enzyme activity are crucial factors affecting soil microbial activity. Our studyrevealed the relations between TS, microbial biomass, enzyme activity, and RS, whichhad important scientific implications for constructing microbial decompositionmodels that predict soil microbial activity under climate change in the future. Tobetter understand the relationship between soil dynamics and C emissions, it willbe necessary to incorporate climate data as well as RS and microbial parameters intomicrobial decomposition models, which will be important for soil conservation andreducing soil C loss in the Loess Plateau (PDF) Soil temperature, microbial biomass and enzyme activity are the critical factors affecting soil respiration in different soil layers in Ziwuling Mountains, China. Available from: [accessed Jan 05 2024].
Indexed by:Article
Translation or Not:no
Date of Publication:2023-02-16
Included Journals:SCI
First Author:Ruosong Qu
Correspondence Author:Kefeng Wang
All the Authors:Guanzhen Liu
All the Authors:Ming Yue
All the Authors:Gangsheng Wang
All the Authors:Changhui Peng
All the Authors:Xiaoping Gao